Well, the firstrun.log I mentioned is just a text file that sometimes tells you why things are failing in WMC. You can open Event Viewer by right clicking on the start menu and then select categories in the tree on the left. There might be pertinent entries under Windows Logs in 'software' or 'system' and you can use the search feature to find them by typing in MCX for example. There's also an entry for Media Center further down under Application and Services Logs.
Yeah, lots of stuff in there but the things that leap out are "Your Media Center Extender was set up successfully, but failed to connect (timed out after 180000ms)" and "Cannot send Media Center Extender software to Extender". Google shows there's quite a few people had the same error(s) but not having a lot of luck finding a solution to it. I wonder if they just reinstalled everything from scratch and fixed it that way?
Dunno but I really, really don't wanna reinstall Windows... I had enough pain getting to 8.1 from 7 already as-is...
@technodevotee Awesome. WMC 8.8.1 works perfectly with DVBLogic and Windows 10 20H1 when using your patches (roll_back_dlls and fix_MSSQLLite). Great work!
Has anyone else lost their thumbnails in recorded tv? Im using WMC8.8.3 win 10 64, 1909 18363.778 if i browse to the recorded tv directory in file explorer and highlight a recorded program, the thumbnail shows up ok in file explorer. in task manager, windows media center video analysis process "ehvid.exe", uses 96% of memory, about 13gb and my page file on c: grows and shrinks in relation. I have tried WMC_Multi_Tool option 3, no change, and option 6, no change Any suggestions Thanks Alan
This shouldn't happen in 8.8.2 or later so I wonder if something has happened to the custom manifests on your system. I assume that the only way to fix that would be to uninstall and reinstall WMC. In earlier versions, you would need to use option 7 'restore functionality of encdec' if the DLL and/or the associated registry entries went missing. Options 3 and 6 only replace DLLs that exist so if they don't exist, it won't help.
They are installed on the system by the installation so you wouldn't normally need to know anything about them. However, it states in the readme for the installer that they exist. There is also a link to Kevin Chalet's excellent write up if you want to know how they work. I've never heard of anyone having a problem with them but I can't think of anything else that would cause the problem you described off the top of my head. I assume you haven't installed a codec pack or something recently?
No, not installed anything recently and no codec packs. I tried system restore from last night, but it failed due to lack of space on my SSD, there is 16gb free, don't know how much it needs, cant undo that, so its stuck in a loop. Reinstall of WMC
I used BackupRestoreSettings.cmd, to backup, I uninstalled, reinstalled, and used BackupRestoreSettings.cmd to restore. Still the same I will try again without using backup / restore
I loved WMC and can't believe how this thread is still going strong. For me, even without cable it was difficult to maintain. There was always something you had to devote time to keep it working consistently. Now that I do not get OTA and currently using Youtube TV I no longer try to use. I am actually listing my HTPC desktop on Craigslist . Really appreciate the hard work everyone has put in here. Again, WMC is a great product , it is a shame Microsoft not only killed it , but that updates generally mess with the resinstalls and that workarounds are needed. They could have simply stopped supporting it but why not let the very small population of people, probably smaller than the number of those that have visited this thread in the past 500 pages use it as they see fit. Firesticks, Rokus, Youtube TV with unlimited DVR are not the same though they serve similar purposes and are a lower cost investment especially in terms of time.
I agree To the OP could you update the first post with links to v8.8.4, https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...ible-alternatives.61061/page-487#post-1557797 as it only shows v8.8.2
There is another script in the WMC folder: ResetSettings.cmd which is supposed to clean up "left-overs" from previous installations and have helped other to get rid of duplicate channels and similar, before running BackupRestoreSettings.cmd. It seems some people successfully run it after Uninstaller.cmd and some after InstallerXXXX.cmd. Add your own preferred number of reboots and open/close of Media Center UI between each step