@zhanglin https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...ible-alternatives.61061/page-493#post-1583707 https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...ible-alternatives.61061/page-494#post-1585954
Yes but regardless of which version you install, you need to reinstate the MS SQLLite DLLs and registry entries. There is a utility on my website (in my signature) that can do that for you.
I don't know. Given that there is no metadata available for WMC from Microsoft any more, maybe not. I was just interested that you seemed to have found something that precludes the need to mess with WMC settings. If I'm not mistaken, the 'Windows Media Player 64-bit Plug-in Fix' you mention could be part of "fix win 10", which is something I have seen but never used myself. I certainly wouldn't rule out the issue being something to do with WMP rather than WMC being as the latter relies on the former for some of its functionality.
maybe worth it to find out it could be something i have installed and uninstalled and something could have been left in the registry. would doing a registry comparison be a better way to investigate? what is this you speak of
So it does and is. But what does it do? Oh, I see. I think. It fixes the problem with plug ins of different bitnesses. That could change something I suppose.
no need to say sorry, it would be nice if i was able to contribute, although a bit moot now. I am curious as to why it works for me. I went to install windows media player plus but the windows media 64-bit plug-in fix was already in my list of installed programs, i tried it anyway but it made no difference
As you say, it is rather moot now but having said that, it isn't just WMC that crashes in my experience - I've had WMP crashing when updating the library after copying all my music onto a newly installed system as well. Plus, I hate mysteries when there has to be an explanation and I suspect you are the same. update: installed WMP Tag Plus but WMC (V13) still crashes when scanning the library.
tried 80 programs, tried compairing wmp dirs, ehome dirs. running low on space now despite the SSD being twice the size. still got a few differences inc drivers but i dont think it will be that
i was running low on my original SSD and had to uninstall some of my games, i can now install them all