[DISCUSSION] Patch WMC to run on Windows 10 final & possible alternatives

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ricktendo64, May 8, 2015.

  1. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018

    Sure, the full screen is where the problems usually becomes apparent, and AMM is the way I always fixed them. Strange isn't working for you.

    You can also use TheMaxifier to workaround the problem, it allows you to use a fake full screen, which really is a big, borderless window, sized to fill the screen. Other than that I have no idea, likely you're facing a very specific driver problem.
  2. twinviper

    twinviper MDL Novice

    Aug 1, 2014
    #10522 twinviper, Nov 6, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2022
    Hi, is anyone able to upload a mirror of TheMaxifier? The main website download link appears to be down. Thanks!

    edit: nm, found a link. the-maxifier dot software.informer dot com/versions/
  3. djremix

    djremix MDL Novice

    Apr 25, 2011
    what is the replacement for x32 architecture starting from XP and for wmc to work
  4. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    #1 Use the original 8.8.1 by T-S, check first if nsudo is working correctly launching the test-right script, you must end with an opened cmd window.

    If that doesn't happen everything else will fail (including uninstallation)

    #2 use WMC_Multi tool to fix the 8.8.1 installation (follow all steps starting from #4). [this step is not needed on older windows 10 from 1507 to 1703]

    Codecs are already in windows, since vista, they need just to be activated by the dvd player app (no dvd player=no premium codecs), anyway you can install the LAV codecs if you prefer.
  5. Clutch Cargo

    Clutch Cargo MDL Novice

    Jul 15, 2016
    Thx for the help acer-5100. Yea, currently I cannot install (says its already installed),m and I cannot run uninstalled (the endless command prompts appear). Where might I find this WMC_Multi tool you mention above? I have not found it in any of my current/past WMC packages not via a search here in the forums?
  6. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018

    Like I said WMC_Multi_tool is useful only when the installation is done correctly, something that you have yet to achieve.

    Not sure what your problem is, could be a thinned party AV, but if you not gain the trusted installer rights, you can't correctly install uninstall anithing.

    Try to use a updated nsudo binary or use a different rights elevator (runasTI or alike)
  7. Clutch Cargo

    Clutch Cargo MDL Novice

    Jul 15, 2016
    Ah gotcha. I finally was able to get a clean uninstall after several attempts. A few files were left in the ehome folder where I finally got those deleted. I see you cannot just delete them, but needs to be done in the command window. However, when I reinstalled, same issue about tuners in in use and no codecs available. I have decided to install a new, clean version of Windows 10 and will try from there as my fist install. So that leads to two questions.

    1. After install, I will update Windows to its latest version which I have as version 22H2 OS build 19045.2251. Should I still use WMC 8.1.1 or use the latest available?

    2. I believe I read that WMC also installs the Windows Media Player. Is that where it gets its codecs? I tried to uninstall WMP and had no success so I am thinking WMC installed it thus I cannot simply uninstall. Do you thnk that is why I cannot get codecs a WMP screwup?

    Thx for all your help.
  8. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    8.8.1 not 8.1.1 is fine, you just need to use wmc multitool once after the installation (all steps starting from 4).

    with other bulds you don't need wmc multitool, but either you waste more space and/or you loose some useful mods like the ability to use WMC via a remote desktop connection.

    WMP is a windows component, no need to install it (in the worst case you may need to enable it from the standard optional components procedure.

    Whatever it has nothing to do with the WMC installer.

    What the WMC installer does is to install the DVD player app (it's an APP not a regular win32 program) with the sole purpose of unlock the so called "premium codecs" which are already installed but not enabled.

    Alternative you can use the usual LAV codecs.

    Perhaps the mileage varies depending the country, but here in Italy four days before Xmas the last mpeg2 TV channels will be killed for good, being replaced by channels using more modern codecs, mp4/h264 first, then HEVC/h265, so the whole trickery to get the mpeg2 codecs will be almost useless (useful only to watch old recordings).
  9. Clutch Cargo

    Clutch Cargo MDL Novice

    Jul 15, 2016
    Just wanna say I did a full fresh install of Windows 10 and one of the first apps I reinstalled is WMC. All is working properly. THx to all for the help.
  10. Borsig

    Borsig MDL Novice

    Sep 16, 2015
    Hi, metioned TBS5880 can't handle H.265 codec, so want to buy Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-935HD 01588 - USB Hybrid TV tuner. Can WMC handle it?
  11. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018

    I'm testing right now a Hauppauge Nova T, I thing that when it was released the DVB-T2 standard was not a thing.

    Well... I receive the H265 test channel just like I do with the more modern Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD I use normally.

    In short the codecs are managed by the PC not the receiver.

    The problem is WMC itself, even using the LAV codecs and DVBlink it doesn't understand the H265 stream.

    Everything else works mediaportal, kodi, VLC, nexpvr and so on, no matter if the receiver is old or new.

    That said today (20/12/2022) is the last Mpeg2 day here.

  12. JanS48

    JanS48 MDL Novice

    Dec 30, 2022
    Hi everyone, newbie here to MDL - I've been attempting to get a 3 tuner HDHR Prime cablecard tuner to install with WMC on Win10 without success. However my 4 tuner HDHR OTA tuner installs and functions perfectly. I'm using the latest installer from TGB. Has anyone here figured out how to get WMC to install HDHR cablecard tuners? Just a note I don't care about the DRM channels.
    thanks in advance
  13. wmclover79

    wmclover79 MDL Novice

    Apr 11, 2021
    Has anyone been able to get this to work on ARM64? I tried it today, and MediaCenter opens and looks like it'll work, but then after 5-10 seconds, it just closes.
  14. maxtorix

    maxtorix MDL Member

    Feb 3, 2010
    The thread has to many pages to search, so just a simple question:
    How mediacenter CABs files are actually made to bypass "This update is not applicable to this image"?
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  15. maxtorix

    maxtorix MDL Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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  16. technodevotee

    technodevotee MDL Senior Member

    Sep 18, 2015
    I'm sorry. Why would you want to do that?
  17. maxtorix

    maxtorix MDL Member

    Feb 3, 2010
    To be able to integrate updates (and SXS extracted packages) for Server 2008R2 on Windows 7/WinPE and vice-versa.
    To be able to integrate standard Windows 7's LIP (not MUI) on Server 2008R2/WinPE.
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