Yes, I saw that. Thanks. But I was asking about the newer version and why Symantec has not released patches for the newer one.
Sorry, could you specify exact what exe files you are looking for. Trial, upgrade(patch), client, full install..... You did ask for latest patches (4814)
Yes they are. Those are the files leaked. Open Setup.7z, inside you find Setup.ini from SEP client(x86) package. Look at line 9. Or download above file and check for your self. Trialware part 1 and 2 exe files all languages are available for anybody to download.
Please help with an updated wget command to download 64-bit English version of SEP 14.2.4814.1101, also known as SEP 14.2 RU1 MP1.
For over a year, direct download links "from via wget" don't works. Absolutely. Use two "warez" mirrors for complete English/Russian distributives or this mirror's for all-languages unmanaged clients.
SEP 14.2.4815.1101 checksum Spoiler: Full_Installation_EN.exe Code: MD5 Signature: 6b992b010653f359c5b63fa55b06a93e SHA2: 8738037d087b9f9921d1b790862c02195bea10cac46018e7cea5a52d1cdfbb1a
CleanWipe 14.2.4815.1101 can be found inside "Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_14.2.1_MP1_Part2_Tools_EN.exe" Open with 7-zip to extract SHA1 of 21A57B368A63E48DFA8DEBF8E7BB24874C655B27