Search Here I use my method and it works fine for me. The example is in Spanish but I think it is not difficult to understand. You just have to disable the Extension every time you turn on or restart the PC.
I use version 14.3.4615.2000 (14.3 RU2) and my method works fine. Just have to do that when I start windows again, or when Updating also, but it takes 30 seconds. Not tried with new SEP version, still waiting for Spanish version.
I find it the worst security tool ever Remove files made by Ms I d know how you use it I should remove it but it's business computer And if my boss find out ..
Hello! What do you mean by not stable? I know that I have to run the process that takes 10-15 seconds shown in the photo in each reboot or when some SEP updates are made, but I can stay all night without the Chrome extension appearing again. And it takes 10-15 seconds for it to disappear without having to go to the registry, or delete anything, just checking Disabled, apply and accept and that's it. This in version 4615.2000, I don't know in the most recent one, 5413.3000 Bye! Perhaps a more permanent way is to install SEPM and modify the rules somewhere to revoke the installation of the Chrome extension in the SEP Client and thus in Chrome.
Anyone figured out where the unmanaged Exceptions configs are stored for SEP 14.3 RU3? Injecting the exceptions via the registry no longer works on new installs i.e.: newly imaged W11, merge/reboot/confirm exceptions are in the registry then install SEP 14.3RU3, Exceptions are blank. However upgrading an existing SEP install keeps the unmanaged Exceptions intact. I even tested by manually adding an Exception for a dummy file, then searched the registry to find it and was not able to find the file. Similar to Windows Defender (ie: perm disable via reg hack), looks like we can’t manage certain aspects of SEP via Registry for unmanaged clients anymore.
Hello Guys, thanks for the charts with the compatibility list - And I wonder if other languages can be available still in this year... (Yes, I believe in Xmas miracles!) During this time I had tried to find such files by my own (To use and share here), but no success with this "Mission". If someone have any news about it, please let me know. Thanks