I believe so. This EXE file has a digital signature from Symantec, so seems pretty legit (I do wonder, however, why Broadcom isn't using their own). However, I haven't found a signed package for the 14.3 RU4 refresh (v14.3.7393.4000 released on March 1st 2022). There is a ZIP file available, but there's no way to know whether it's been tampered with.
Interestingly it does show on your link (as thats where I got it from too) - if you scroll down under the SEPM 14 section its the first one released on 19th April
You're right. I didn't notice that. Hmm, now I wonder why they are listing both "Endpoint Security" and "Endpoint Protection"... Could it be that "Endpoint Security" is the replacement for "Endpoint Protection"?
I think the endpoint security is the one provided on cloud and protection is on premise (at least thats my interpretation)
The file seemed to have been deleted when I went to look at it. If anyone has it, could you please upload it again?
It's different. The one by @LostED is RU4 Refresh (14.3.7393.4000): Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_14.3.0_RU4_Refresh_Full_Installation_EN.exe The one on comss ru is RU4 (14.3.7388.4000): Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_14.3.0_RU4_Full_Installation_EN.exe
ho is there any version in Spanish and there are already several versions that come out and lost most languages only Chinese and English no other language more
Thanks for that. I installed from SAV64.dat in a clean Windows 10 Pro (21H2). All seems to be as with past versions except for application control. So far it allows anything to access the network without asking. Programs (e.g. Firefox, Thunderbird, NordVPN, MS Office ) and Windows services are all allowed. They show in Network Activity while active but not in "View Application Settings". I know I could manually set each application as it appears but that risks "bolting the stable door...". Is there a way to get it to offer the choices to allow/block/ask as in previous versions? (I have looked here and in Broadcom's material without success but that may just be evidence of my further incompetence.)
D'Oh! Yes, thanks. Now *that's* what I call evidence of my incompetence. I don't recall having to change that setting in the past. But I suppose that may just be evidence of failing memory.
The Japanese localization file is here. @@@@://46.gigafile.nu/0813-bc977de3352dd38e3b182e54a621b7461 https