"i am downloading using aria2 and then convert " blue tab , in a command box it is downloading the files for 17134.1 amd46 bit edition of windows 10 pro. after downloading it will start converting auto without any intervention ??? more over Total size of files: 2603MB it means i need to have windows 10 in order to upgrade ?
btw whats the need for offline version of UUP ( run.cmd ) when the files to be retrieved eventually have to come from INTERNET ? moreover online version has option of aria2 download + convert to iso ! I got error in some files while downloading now what i do ? aria2 is not downloading them again... so i have to download all UUPs again ? @abbodi1406
well , the adguard "creating iso script" worked like a charm , aria2 downloaded the UUP files and later on conversion process started automtically and finally the iso of 17134.1 is ready
Is it possible to download enterprise versions with this? I don't see it as an option when choosing the version.
You need to read thread. Many people ask, and it has been answered over, and over. You can update with Enterprise to Enterprise with Pro ISO, but if you want clean Enterprise install you need to convert.
I'm sorry, I'm a little confused by this. So If I want to go to 17134.1 enterprise and I already have a valid, registered enterprise install. Do I just download the x64 pro version. Do the upgrade install with that ISO installer then it will automatically upgrade me and keep enterprise and not overwrite with pro?
Has anyone posted an AIO or a magnet for one? I'm looking for the latest stable in x32 and x64. What is the best Build and Version to get? Thanks
Sorry, didn't know that wasn't allowed. I thought people were selecting multiple versions in this thread to combine. Is that what they're doing or are they just getting individual editions to keep separate? What is the latest, stable version I should use, a "final" version or something later? Could you please give me a build or version number to get? Does MS ever release an official AIO ISO? Aren't there OEM ISOs that install multiple editions? I've seen official Home/Pro/Education ISOs. Do they allow you to choose which to install during installation or is it dependent on which key you use? Thank you very much
#1. For quite a while now new Windows builds are released first by Windows Update via UUP (Unified Update Platform). ESDs and ISOs are available at later times. Every ISO build from ESD or UUP is considered as homebrew in general, so users are encouraged to download and convert the files themselfs to get untouched content. With the new Licensing Switch between editions there's no actual need for more editions. You can upgrade Enterprise installs with the created ISO flawlessly. #2. Latest stable still is FCU 16299.XXX. 17134.1 is most likely the candidate for next Feature Update (after the 17133.1 'fiasco' there are still some doubts left). #3. When you check the 16299.15 thread (https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...e-final-16299-15-16299-64-16299-125-pc.75255/) you'll see that most editions are available in the Consumer and Business ISOs.
Is 16299.125 the latest? If so, why do people bother with 16299.15 and 16299.64? I have 16299.15 now. Am I missing something by not having 16299.125? Will learning and following the instructions in this thread give me something more than 15 and 125? Is 1709 RS3 the same as 16299.125? Will I get later/better from the UUP files that this thread is about? I don't understand the first page. It looks like people are running CMD. It looks like DOS. Do I have to put a script or tool in the same folder as UUP files after I download UUP files and then execute the script or tool somehow? Do I have to be in CMD mode or some environment? Do I have to use something called Aria 2? I've used Heidoc and Adguard and @mkuba50's techbench dump. I didn't know which version I was getting as far as 1709 or 16299.15, 16299.64 and 16299.125. Most of the ISO or IMG file I got from one where simply named Windows something or other. One ISO I got had a long number at the end of the file name. Are long numbers at the end of the file name an official MS release number that I can reference somewhere to find out exactly what it is? Most of those methods of obtaining an ISO I've found on MDL allow me to get an ISO that is only x32 or x64 and one edition but one ISO I got from the Media Creation Tool is both X32 and X64. One ISO I got from info on MDL from Kabino says it's a multi edition ISO ... Win10 Official MVS MSDN Build 16299.15 Version 1709 VL Multi Edition Fall Creators Update 70570 Updated Sept 2017. I added that info to the filename as that's what was listed in various places in that thread. I believe it all applies to that ISO. It's a bit confusing as the details of the nomenclature isn't consistent. I know I'm asking a lot. I appreciate any info and sorting through all this you can give me.
16299.125 on that page has the December update. I'm looking for the March 2018 updated version. Thanks
@Pareto Optimal 16299.125 is latest official release, but contains an already superseded Cumulative Update. With Win 7/8.1 it made sense to intregrate dozens (or hundreds) of updates but with Win 10 the latest Cumulative Update contains all previous fixes. My recommendation is always to install vanilla 16299.15 and install latest available CU (16299.402 https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-hotfix-repository.57050/page-289#post-1430029) manually or via WU. Btw, 1709 is 16299.XXX, the XXX delta is raised by Cumulative Updates. The nomenclature for the official ISOs isn't that hard. There are client_consumer (Home/Pro/Education) and client_business with 'VL' in the name (Pro/Edu/Ent) versions available.