You can find all Consumer_Ret ESD's and UUP files needed at the OP. I don't know how the upgrade was done by WU, but when it was by esd file it will be gone after the upgrade finished. When it was by UUP, the files are still in "c:\windows.old\...\softwaredistribution\downloads\xxxfolder\".
I just hide them. Microsoft Printer drivers doesn't work for my printer either. That why you not able to install them. Also for any questions related to Windows Update MiniTool go to
I've asked for it some pages ago. Same here on 16299.19 in all installations (physical/VM). It seems a mistake, because those are 15063 drivers. Just hide them.
Where can I download the iso of Windows 10 v1709 Enterprise S 32 bit and 64 bit in English and Italian? Thanks Bye
If you're looking for 'EnterpriseS' SKU, it's actually Enterprise LTSB which isn't available on 16299 build.
Hi, I'm looking for the Enterprise x64 FCU iso and all I could find is this one below from TechBench site. But it's Insider Preview. Is it the final one like the 15063? Windows10_InsiderPreview_Enterprise_x64_en-us_16299.iso SHA1 matches with the file below from Checksum post, so it's the real deal then? 1bbf886697a485c18d70ad294a09c08cb3c064ac *en_windows_10_multi-edition_vl_version_1709_updated_sept_2017_x64_dvd_100090741.iso Thanks.
You can find different names for the same ISO. TechBench, MSDN, Microsoft, Insiders Preview, all use different names for SAME ISO
At the risk of sounding really stupid, how does one utilize the multi-edition ISO to install a specific SKU? I whomped up a VM tonight and threw the latest Win10 ISO at it, and it went with Win10 Pro by default, and never asked me to choose. Can someone throw me a bone? What am I missing or overlooking?
################################################################################# create EI.cfg in \sources folder with the following entries. [Channel] volume [VL] 1
It went to pro on a clean vm? Or did the VM have a MSDM for 8/10 Pro? Because it lets you select the desired sku by default on system without a MSDM. EI.CFG for all scenario's: Code: [Channel] _Default [VL] 0
How does one pause/resume downloading in windows media creation tool? I don't have unlimited bandwidth. I get like 2 GB high speed data per day and the iso is more than 4 GB in size. I can't keep downloading beyond available data but when I close and restart the media creation tool, it starts downloading from beginning.