Code: 3efb9174b7fe997509b89d0ff8ce6bddc6000c5a *en-gb_windows_10_multi-edition_version_1709_updated_dec_2017_x64_dvd_100406720.iso deff101ea96a944fb6d737c28b75535eebb05775 *en-gb_windows_10_multi-edition_version_1709_updated_dec_2017_x86_dvd_100406360.iso
Not really your fault. Wzor could have tweeted it not so vaguely, if it's just server 2016, he could have explicitly mentioned it, instead of only tweeting "feb 2018 updated iso's available on MSDN"
All MDL options to download/create windows (10) ISO's Just use the tools that have it implemented:\ Or download the source iso + svfsfx patches i gave before: Or download and convert the ESD to ISO: Or download and convert the UUP files to ISO:
I switched from intel board to amd and lost activation. micrsoft support did remote with my pc and even seemed to be having issues. and then they went all dumb and disabled services including the remote software they was using...... so I said fu** it and use pico kms to activate. and everything is good. fu** Microsoft and activations
Does MSFT really do that, remote help on private pc's? Are you sure you called them and the official MSFT, not the scammers from india? Why didn't you just establish a new HWID on the new hardware, or if you had the HWID linked to your MSA, you could have moved the HWID to the new hardware.
This will be considered as a new machine by literally every activation type available. Nothing new . As @Enthousiast already stated you should have bound the HWID to a MSA prior to the hardware changes to move it to the new machine.
Strange right? But after i disabled hibernate everything sounds ok, no random reboots so far. On LTSB i never had this issue.
It was bounded to my msa , but it still wasnt activating. went to activation trouble shooter, hardware was changed ,and it showed my pc in the list and I selected it and would give message saying it wasnt able to activate. on microsoft devices website it showed both the intel system and the amd system under the same pc name and msa. microsoft spent hour trying to activate it... I went through the built in windows help and it transfer me to Microsoft chat and they transferred to Microsoft support ...