Not, according to Jason Howard:
hitting/pressing those keys doesn't call/open the snip & sketch app to take a proportionate screenshot. I am asking about any alternative tweak/solution for this PntScn shortcut settings (below pic) apart from Win Key+Shift+S to call/open the snip app to take SS in any app, not only in and for Paint app,
thanks. the cmd seems to be stuck at the part for quite some time. Is this normal? Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~18362.356.1.9 [===========================69.0%======== ] from this link: how do I know which windows 10 version is it downloading?
The rollup can take quite some time to finish. The iso on techbench is consumer, 1903 on techbench = 18362.30
i meant how do i know if it's home, pro, enterprise, etc.. so the rollup is finally done. I ran the convert-UUP.cmd to convert it to a .iso. But i get this instead. ISOFOLDER\sources\install.wim - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. A subdirectory or file ISOFOLDER already exists. . Did i misunderstand something here?
Hello, I have no idea where to post myissue, but since I'm running Windows 10. I'll post it here. I'm trying to delete some folders and filrs, but I keep getting an error. See below: I'm logged on as the Administrator. Can anyone help so I can delete these files.I would appreciated it for any and all assistance with this issue. Thank you...
Answering to myself and to anyone interested. The image below was taken right after a fresh installation of 1903 from the august 2019 iso, i.e this one Code: en_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1903_updated_aug_2019_x64_dvd_3946308c.iso The small number of updates probably shows that the iso already contains the updates up to the month it was released.
suprise they haven;t official release this crap yet far as i know and will be running RS5 it is the only latest RTM