Updated the 1903/1909 updates overview: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...x-pc-19h1_release.79259/page-148#post-1525792
What does it matter what channel you've installed? When entering a Pro COEM key, it will change to OEM, with a retail key to RETAIL, and with a VL key to VL, pro will be the same for all three.
Nobody knows, and this still is the 1903 thread. Have to see if the 1903 and 1909 threads can be merged as soon as 1909 goes GA.
KB4522739 <- just got offered this as .NET CU for 1909, not listed in the catalog. Actually not sure where to post this one, will post in 1903 thread as well, feel free to delete one of them to keep things neat.
It's explained in the hotfix thread: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-hotfix-repository.57050/page-459#post-1550190 My hope with that post was to end the double posts for 1903/1909 updates, on WU they have different kb nrs but essentially all are the same for both.
Hi, I'd like to download 1903 Enterprise ISO. SVF.ISO.CONVERTER was the key before 1903 and it seems it is not updated yet, right @Enthousiast? Is there any easy way to get up to date 1903 VL ISO? I have this ESD file below which was downloaded by Update Assistant when I update 1809 to 1903 back in July. Is there a way to convert it to ISO and use it to install Windows and activate it with KMS_VL_ALL? 18362.30.190401-1528.19h1_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTBUSINESS_VOL_x64FRE_en-us.esd_ (3.03GB / strange but it's way lighter in size, compression?) Thanks!