hi everyone , Question 1 :when new 1909 iso file will be release? Question 2 :you suggest i install Windows 10 19H2 1909 Build 18363.418 or waiting for new iso. thanks a lot.
Ah man, I have the same problem, and when I read your post, I did exactly the same, but still end up with Error 0x800f0988. I have tried everything I know of. Does anyone here have any ideas?
This is what I do with a fresh installation. First install the drivers, restart, disable 2 (two) tasks in task scheduler "servicing" and "disk cleanup" and from now on NEVER try to uninstall the connect app. I uninstall every other UWP app through Geek Uninstaller except for Calculator, Camera and Store(which Microsoft has advised to NEVER uninstall the Store). I suggest you try it on a Virtual Machine. Install W10 18363.476 on a Virtual Machine, do the stuff I said and then try to update to .535 through Windows Update.
What's weird is that I'm the only one complaining about it in the Winaero Tweaker's Connect app's removal site. I don't think it would come back because I did some tests and apparently the only component that returned (at least counting only those that appear on the start menu) was Windows Defender (and the components removed by MSMG ToolKit) and even so some of its features were not available. Anyway, I guess NTLite's Remove Reinstalls feature would remove it if it came back (but not those components removed by MSMG ToolKit) and even if not I presume we could remove it with that tool and do the same procedere I did and I guess we would be able to install windows updates again.
Nothing. The only difference between standard and DCH is that the Nvidia control panel will now be installed from Microsoft Store instead of the driver itself. Other then that they're identical.
Thanks for the extra info. I personally don't use anything related to reshade or Nvidias own, Geforce experience is cancer.