Other languages To Yen and others, sorry for to be off topic: Regarding the translation by computers of Thai language content, that's something which is very difficult, for several reasons. The fact is, any language, based on different Character sets than Western etc., and special if although toning plays a huge role in it, is simply more than difficult. That in Thailand a lot of different Dialects are used as well, with quite some differences, makes it even harder. Someone from the south or even central of Thailand would have real problems to understand the Dialect from the Isaan (North-East) of Thailand if they never had closer contact, and vice versa. Using apps like Google Translate, could be a starting point for someone who already has a basic knowledge of English, but still, the translation will incorrect in many means and would need a lot of correction for to be really6 understandable. If use to test several different translation apps for the same text of Thai and translate with those different apps all to English and compare the outcome, there would maybe a huge difference. The educational system in Thailand isn't also good for foreign languages. OK, English is teached even on normal public schools, but: That's just on paper and that with a very low grade from Teachers who didn't know what they're doing! Also, something called "Face" came involved: not in Thailand only, in many Asian countries too, humans are trying to never 'lose the face', means, never tell something which could be seen 'negative' in many means! Thailand is also called LoS, means Land of Smile! And before a Thai would get angry or even tell something to others which could be classified as negative, they would just tell a lie with a smile of the face. Those Thai would not see that as a lie, he/she would see it as a way to keep the counterpart happy. It simply would be the way to go in their mind. That may have changed a little bit by the younger generation, but just a little! Regarding different language Subs in MDL, it was just an idea. In the forums I'm Admin and Mod, we're using such different language Sub's. Interestingly, many of those users who started to use those Subs were slowly changing and started to learn the Forums Language of English better till they even stopped to use the Subs anymore or very less. Anyway, it's for sure up to the Owner of the forum and his staff, what should/would be done. Regards.
AH, you answered my unvoiced question...! I've been a bit chicken when it comes to using my Win7/8 keys (I have both) because I haven't wanted to mess with Windows phone activation--which I was assuming might be the case. But you say it accepted your Win7 key even though you had it active in a current installation...? I only have Win10 in my home--the wife has RTM while I'm an Insider--so both my keys are not currently being used--if that even matters, of course.
In Spain no. I click to search updates every 5 minutes starting at 17:00 and I receive it always at diferent hours
Here it is and has been every 2nd tuesday of the month at 19:00 (7 pm local time) for many many years now, with one exception (i know of), once it was at 18:00 (6 pm) about a year ago.
1 Hour and 15min left until Update time ! Ohh and BTW WZor never said his ISO's were original MS ISO's