Why don't you download the ESD's manually and use ESD>ISO v37 to convert them to ISO? It even gives more options than the official MCT. Tutorial: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-esd-repository.59082/page-77#post-1380516
Today I've upgraded to Windows10, RS4(1803). The brightness adjustment feature is not working. Windows running with full brightness. Any idea or solution?
@Enthousiast did you test the ESD ? about the "problem" detecting the integrated serial key... the ESD I downloaded was taken from this topic, on the Pastebin file, this one: 17133.1.180323-1312.rs4_release_clientconsumer_ret_x64fre_it-it
But I still see uknown driver. When I make clean install of Windows I see it too. It's look like the system want it (the driver).
OK, take it back a step. Google 'what is vid and pid' and then read about how to get them. Once obtained, Google the VID & PID to find your driver and then install it. At a guess it's probably some stupid Intel Management Engine driver or similar.
Or you could just use a simple powershell script in the same folder as the esd file: $ESDFilePath=Get-ChildItem *.esd $ImageExclusions=@('Windows Setup Media','Microsoft Windows PE (x64)','Microsoft Windows Setup (x64)','Microsoft Windows PE (x86)','Microsoft Windows Setup (x86)') $AllImages=Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $ESDFilePath write-host $AllImages.ImageName $SetupMediaImage=$AllImages.Where({$_.ImageName -eq "Windows Setup Media"}) $SetupImage=$AllImages.Where({$_.ImageName -eq "Microsoft Windows Setup (x64)" -or $_.ImageName -eq "Microsoft Windows Setup (x86)"}) New-Item -Path ".\ISOFiles" -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Expand-WindowsImage -ImagePath $ESDFilePath -Index $SetupMediaImage.ImageIndex -ApplyPath ".\ISOFiles" Export-WindowsImage -SourceImagePath $ESDFilePath -SourceIndex $SetupImage.ImageIndex -CompressionType Maximum -DestinationImagePath ".\ISOFiles\Sources\boot.wim" -DestinationName $SetupImage.ImageName $AllImages.Where({$_.ImageName -notin $ImageExclusions}).foreach( { Export-WindowsImage -SourceImagePath $ESDFilePath -SourceIndex $_.ImageIndex -CompressionType Maximum -DestinationImagePath ".\ISOFiles\Sources\Install.wim" -DestinationName $_.ImageName } ) Will create the ISOFiles subdirectory that you can simply run setup from or copy over to a usb stick / make an iso out of it. Edit: oops I had this on queue to submit and more posts have been added hence it looks out of place
Is there anyone using Visual Studio 2017 for C++ development on this build? I failed to build some libraries.. I'm not sure if it was the RS4 or something else. Edit: Everything are fine now. The causes of the problem was not this build of RS4.
Yes. It's Intel Management Engine that installed when I install Intel Desktop Utilities that make BSOD. For what I need Intel Management Engine ?