Installing the store app pre-requisite provisioned appx package goes against the entire philosophy of installing LTSC in the first place. Why not just install the latest Win10 version and uninstall the win10 apps you don't want?
My post was about installing the missing Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00 package so the Snipping Tool works okay on LTSC 2021. I debated whether you should use Add-AppxPackage or Add-AppxProvisionedPackage to install it, that's all. What's the MS Store got to with any of this?
List of missing feature of ltsc - iot vs regular 21h2 ? Yes windows store not exist but other fonction not present or missing packages ?. Anyone can help ? @xinso @abbodi1406
Are you kidding me? Just use regular Win10 and remove the stuff you don't want. I just had this conversation. Just because LTSC is a newer release doesn't mean you have to use it. It's not a newer build and it's not better for you if you want all of those superfluous tools and utilities.
not regular windows 10 because 10 years support for iot / I just want to know if the function like wireless display are missing .. thank you to remain polite @murphy78 @Tito
I suppose it depends what you mean by that. Are you referring to the drivers or the background functionality? Sometimes LTSB or N versions lack the drivers but they can be downloaded readily. That isn't always the case for background functionality. I wouldn't think an IOT would be missing functionality like that because it stands for Internet of Things and that implies using the latest technology, but I couldn't say for certain. On weird questions like this where you don't know you could try doing an internet search for it and see if it turns up any hits. That will give you a hint if there is an existing problem. Something like "Windows 10 IOT wireless display problems" If you find links to MS websites saying that it's not supported, then there's your answer. If it's just various issues where people can't figure out how to get drivers or other newbie responses then it probably works fine.
Spoiler: List off missing packages or not installed on LTSC / IOT LTSC list off missing packages or not installed on LTSC / IOT LTSC ( used winsxs extract and compare ltsc with regular enterprise ) Microsoft-Client-License-Platform-Upgrade-Subscription-Package, Microsoft-Composable-PlatformExtension-DragDropCommon-Package, Microsoft-Composable-PlatformExtension-DragDropCommon-WOW64-Package, SSH-ClientOnly-Package, Microsoft-OneCore-OpenSSH-Common-Package Microsoft-Windows-AppServerClient-OptGroup-merged-Package Microsoft-Windows-AppServerClient-OptGroup-Package Microsoft-Windows-AppServerClient-OptGroup-WOW64-merged-Package Microsoft-Windows-AppServerClient-OptGroup-WOW64-Package Microsoft-Windows-Hello-Face-Migration-Package Microsoft-Windows-Holographic-Desktop-Analog-Package Microsoft-Windows-Holographic-Desktop-Analog-WOW64-Package Microsoft-Windows-Holographic-Desktop-Merged-merged-Package Microsoft-Windows-Holographic-Desktop-Merged-Package Microsoft-Windows-Holographic-Desktop-Merged-WOW64-merged-Package Microsoft-Windows-Holographic-Desktop-Merged-WOW64-Package Microsoft-Windows-Management-SecureAssessment-Package Microsoft-Windows-NetworkDiagnostics-DirectAccessEntry-Package Microsoft-Windows-OneDrive-Setup-Package Microsoft-Windows-OneDrive-Setup-WOW64-Package Microsoft-Windows-QuickAssist-Package Microsoft-Windows-QuickAssist-Package Microsoft-Windows-RegulatedPackages-Package Microsoft-Windows-RegulatedPackages-WOW64-Package Microsoft-Windows-TabShellExperience-Package Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-AppCompat-Opt-Package Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-AppCompat-Opt-WOW64-Package Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-AppServer-Client-Package Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-AppServer-Client-WOW64-Package Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-AppServerClient-Opt-Package Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-AppServerClient-Opt-WOW64-Package Microsoft-Windows-WMPNetworkSharingService-WOW64-Package Multimedia-RestrictedCodecsDolby-Package OpenSSH-Client-Package Multimedia-RestrictedCodecsDolby-WOW64-Package
Like LTSC 2019,if you install Netflix Windows application, slipstream or via Store, then you got no Dolby Digital 5.1.