ResetBase is disabled by default for all Windows 10 you need to run standard dism cleanup twice Code: Dism /Image:%WKDIR%\WIN /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup Dism /Image:%WKDIR%\WIN /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase P.S. manual cleanup that W10UI perform: Spoiler Code: takeown /f "%WKDIR%\WIN\Windows\WinSxS\ManifestCache\*.bin" /A 2>nul icacls "%WKDIR%\WIN\Windows\WinSxS\ManifestCache\*.bin" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F 2>nul del /f /q "%WKDIR%\WIN\Windows\WinSxS\ManifestCache\*.bin" 2>nul takeown /f "%WKDIR%\WIN\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingDeletes\*" /A 2>nul icacls "%WKDIR%\WIN\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingDeletes\*" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F 2>nul del /f /q "%WKDIR%\WIN\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingDeletes\*" 2>nul takeown /f "%WKDIR%\WIN\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\TransformerRollbackData\*" /R /A 2>nul icacls "%WKDIR%\WIN\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\TransformerRollbackData\*" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F /T 2>nul del /s /f /q "%WKDIR%\WIN\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\TransformerRollbackData\*" 2>nul del /f /q "%WKDIR%\WIN\Windows\inf\*.log" 2>nul for /f "tokens=* delims=" %# in ('dir /b /ad "%WKDIR%\WIN\Windows\CbsTemp\" 2^>nul') do rmdir /s /q "%WKDIR%\WIN\Windows\CbsTemp\%#\" 2>nul del /s /f /q "%WKDIR%\WIN\Windows\CbsTemp\*" 2>nul
I am using dism v10.0.22000.1 in Windows 11 (22000.348) and running Cleanup-Image twice does not seem to be necessary. The size of install.wim is as follows: 5,069,004,682 bytes - single Cleanup-Image line as shown below: Code: Dism /Image:%WKDIR%\WIN /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase 5,068,537,288 bytes - two Cleanup-Image lines as shown below: Code: Dism /Image:%WKDIR%\WIN /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup Dism /Image:%WKDIR%\WIN /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase So the difference is negligible. In the end, what really matters here is that your code is much more efficient than standard dism code.
Hello , Is there a way to migrate a valid LTSB installed OS to LTSC ? Thank in advance for your help.
i was able to do an in-place upgrade to ltsc 2019, then another upgrade to 2021. everything went smoothly and works fine. trying to upgrade from 2016 to 2021 directly didn't work
I have just installed LTSB 2016 on two year old hardware and tried the activation tool listed in Enthousiast's signature (see post #1126 above). Version 2.0 with /forcekms38 switch did not work, but v1.3.1 with /forcekms38 worked ok. When run without that switch both versions of the tool tried to connect to the internet (attempting hwid activation, I guess), which in this case was not possible because the ethernet driver is missing for now and I have wifi deliberately disabled in the bios. Running slmgr /xpr command shows expiry date as 1/18/2038. According to included with v1.3.1 the script is compatible with Windows build 10240 and above but it seems that those older builds are not supported any more with v2.0.
I recently installed LTSB 2016 for my dad on a very old desktop. I used massgravel's KMS38. I never tried HWID digital activation. Based on what I see, even though Winactivate has a switch for kms38, its default seems to be HWID digital activation of LTSC 2021 IoT
Even I edited LTSB2016 according to their requests, updated and I am extremely satisfied with this system. I had Win11, LTSC2021, but I returned to reliable Windows. What I needed to install, so I installed.
I only used Windows 10 the first time when the 2019 LTSC became available. So I don't know about what downloads beyond en-us x64 are still available. If you would like the x86 pt version, maybe LTSC 2019, and certainly 2021 would still have downloads available
Added both, i noticed there are a lot more Enterprise (N) 2016 LTSB ISOs missing, i am pretty sure all were uploaded in the past