@subido https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-svf-repository.63324/page-157#post-1516546 You need iso file in magnet uri - this is source file SVF files - this is latest 10.0.17763.316 SVF tools and guides Have fun
I found SW_DVD5_WIN_ENT_LTSC_2019_32-bit_Greek_MLF_X21-96438.ISO but i do not know if it is the same version
Nope. This is 10.0.17763.107 - rereleased September 2018 Would you like to elaborate on what issues you´ve had in the past with svf´s?
I don't think this is the right thread to be asking that question, but as far as I know you need to have a HDR monitor that IS detected in Nvidia control panel, you should see an extra tab on the left side bar indicating your HDR monitor, and you set the settings from there. Also there is Google and YouTube... It's that same in every Win10 OS. best of luck!
Anyone know how many LTSC 2019 versions there are currently out there? I currently have v17763.107 is there later versions? If so, what are the differences with updates? Thanks in advance!
There is a later release 17763.316 https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...16-379-437-pc-rs5.77945/page-258#post-1508535 Latest update (build) is 17763.437 which has the most recent improvements and fixes.
Thanks does it matter which ISO version I use? I already installed v17763.107 on my main PC and updated it to the latest via Windows Updates. Is that the same as Downloading and using a later version of the ISO? or am I just fine the way I am with v17763.107? Thanks a bunch.
Hello i finally got the latest ltsc 2019 version. But after trying to install on virtualbox i only get oobe errors like ooberegion and oobekeyboard. I use the ignore button but i keep getting the same errors. Is it a virtualbox error or the svf patches were faulty?
verify hash of your LTSC 2019 iso https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...rprise-n-ltsc-2019.76325/page-17#post-1467628 regards