[DISCUSSION] Windows 10 Enterprise (N) LTSC 2019

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Tito, Feb 1, 2018.

  1. Hacker?pcs

    Hacker?pcs MDL Member

    May 28, 2009
    Is there a multilanguage DVD with cab files for LTSC? Is there one for normal Enterprise and does that work for LTSC too?
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  2. bear_aussie

    bear_aussie MDL Senior Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    wanna give you fellas a laff

    only had four hrs sleep this morning, went rifling through my iso pile, found I didnt have ltsc n iso

    rifled through this thread, wnet through dozens of pages couldnt find ltsc n feb 2019 refrsh, tearing my fur out I must be missing something obvious...

    yeh I am turns out ordinary ltsc 2/19 refresh iso also contains ltsc n in wim :doh:
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  3. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    For info, the OP of this thread, redirects to the general 1809 thread and there you can find this at the OP:
  4. Catalina Usamahi

    Catalina Usamahi MDL Novice

    Feb 21, 2020
    How do you guys activate LTSC after installation? I know, theoretically, you can use it unlicensed forever if you don't need the personalization feature.
  5. bfoos

    bfoos MDL Guide Dog

    Jun 15, 2008
    With KMS_VL_ALL
  6. Hacker?pcs

    Hacker?pcs MDL Member

    May 28, 2009
    What exactly did you click to find that post? I couldn't find it from the OP of this thread
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  7. freiwald

    freiwald MDL Senior Member

    Jul 27, 2015
    ********** kms38
    but i don't know if it's allowed to talk about this in here anymore.
    ok it gets censored right away, so it's not allowed :D im sorry
  8. Wannabe

    Wannabe MDL Junior Member

    Aug 1, 2007
    First(!) clickable link in this OP:
    From there look for Media Content, as you would if you're interested in knowing if an iso has N versions, and again it's the first(!) clickable link:

    [ Media Content ]
    Enterprise 2019 LTSC MVS ISO's https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...b-17763-xxx-pc-rs5.77945/page-51#post-1467631

  9. SAJ_MDL

    SAJ_MDL MDL Novice

    Mar 2, 2020
    #5029 SAJ_MDL, Mar 3, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2020
    @Enthousiast I understand the procedure to go from W10 consumer ISO to LTSC and optionally chosen language. I'm new here and have spent sometime searching threads/ posts but can't seem to find how to go to Enterprise N LTSC. Is there another step involved?

    Edit: After searching found this https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...b-17763-xxx-pc-rs5.77945/page-51#post-1467631

    So LTSC N is in the install.wim for release 10.0.17763.1 & 10.0.17763.316 but not 10.0.17763.107
    I think I'll opt to "roll my own" build based on 10.0.17763.1

    Lots of "treasure" to be found in the forum, just a matter of digging :)
  10. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    I get the craze with the LTSC, despite most of you will install the following LTSC build in the next year (so, similar timespan as normal Enterprise or Education),
    or despite most of you will hack back the Store with mixed results. Thankfully, Edge is out of the picture, or you would get that too :p

    But where does this N LTSC craziness comes from? aka the broken-on-purpose variant Microsoft made after being fined in the EU, just to spite them
    Where do you get your advice from?

    N does not have a significantly less disk footprint. It is not running better.
    It only makes your life miserable on the long run, when you're probably gonna need to install the Media Feature Pack that has just 33% chance of fixing whatever issue you've bumped into (game audio etc).

    And it's not like you have a product key for N because you live in the EU so you're forced to get N. Because you don't, and you aren't.
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  11. Feniksrising

    Feniksrising MDL Member

    Nov 27, 2016
    LTSC gets a new build every three years. No idea how long you can defer updates on Enterprise, is it three years? I have no use for the new Microsoft philosophy of software as a service and I don't see myself ever wanting to use the Store.
    LTSC is as close to the old win7 you can get. It has its flaws obviously but the pros outweigh the cons for me.

    I think everyone has their own unique use case. Keep in mind most people use Home or Pro since Enterprise/Education is not available to consumers.
  12. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    Newsflash: cumulative monthly updates for LTS* can be 1400MB+ in size, and the installation procedure is now not much different than a feature upgrade. So Microsoft retains it's full ability to f**k up LTS* too, thank you very much.
    I personally find LTSC an inconsistent, half-arsed service pack to the aging LTSB. Yet there are still areas where the older LTSB smokes it. 19xx clearly smokes it.
    1809-based build is cursed with mediocrity, and Microsoft knows it. That's why they might even release another LTSC build at the end of this year based on 20xx, instead of what initially thought as 3 years apart.
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  13. spedia

    spedia MDL Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    Where did you hear this?
  14. bear_aussie

    bear_aussie MDL Senior Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    that's the point ent - a sleepy bear went past that post 4 times w/o noticing what it was trying to tell him

    not to mentin not actually loking in the actual wim :giggle:
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  15. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    I think this is the main reason why many people want LTSB/LTSC.

    This is the CU size of the old LTSB. This is one of the reasons why microsoft has implemented the PSFX format for updates. The CU size for 1809 is currently 312 MB after almost 1 ½ years of release. And when you install a cumulative update you don't get back the provisioned apps or new ones. LTSx builds is aimed at those who do not want or cannot have their OS changed randomly with new features that they do not need or that can break old features that are essential for them.

    I also see no sense in using LTSx and integrating the Store.
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  16. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    At humor :) ...... What about a section for old age pensioners and sunday drivers ? ........ or maybe a section for sinners that use IOT and / or LTSC where we can flagilate ourselves with wet fish ? ...... Without the you should feel guilty because ' Bill gates died to save me from your sins ' crap ? ...... please ? :)
  17. ngr.hd

    ngr.hd MDL Novice

    Apr 6, 2014
    #5037 ngr.hd, Mar 5, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
    I would've have switched LTSC in an instant if it weren't for Ryzen optimizations in the current Pro build. Awaiting new LTSC builds eagerly.
  18. Mortor

    Mortor MDL Novice

    Mar 6, 2020
    hello! i'm using ltsc, but tomorrow I will assembly my new pc and I was thinking about switch to w10 pro.
    maybe we missed good updates? what about ryzen optimizations?
  19. bfoos

    bfoos MDL Guide Dog

    Jun 15, 2008
    Search this thread for ryzen and see for yourself.
  20. Hacker?pcs

    Hacker?pcs MDL Member

    May 28, 2009
    Sorry for repeating myself, does anyone know this? Which multilanguage DVD is compatible with LTSC?
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