[DISCUSSION] Windows 10 Enterprise (N) LTSC 2019

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Tito, Feb 1, 2018.

  1. Jeffslacky

    Jeffslacky MDL Novice

    Mar 7, 2020
  2. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    The checksums of the en-US ISOs is posted at the first link i gave you, it's 17763.1:
  3. Jeffslacky

    Jeffslacky MDL Novice

    Mar 7, 2020
  4. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  5. Jeffslacky

    Jeffslacky MDL Novice

    Mar 7, 2020
    Your help was greatly appreciated.
    Thank you very much!
  6. Feniksrising

    Feniksrising MDL Member

    Nov 27, 2016
    LTSC isn't for everyone, something MS themselves said. I wouldn't use it for gaming because nowadays every new game relies on the latest Nvidia game ready drivers.
    But then LTS is specifically NOT for the latest hardware.
  7. shhnedo

    shhnedo MDL Expert

    Mar 20, 2011
    I disagree. I game on my LTSC install with the latest Game Ready drivers, I have ShadowPlay working and my GTX1050 performs as expected(it's in a laptop after all). The only issue is, as stated, LTSC doesn't get major version upgrades as often as CB/CBB branches - still at 1809, while said branches are past 190x. So all the hardware optimizations that come with those major versions, we, LTSC users, miss out on. I personally don't care, I just patiently wait for the next release and upgrade when necessary.
  8. kgtuning

    kgtuning MDL Member

    Aug 26, 2015
    I have the latest nvidia drivers on ltsc on both my machines (8700k with a 1080ti) and (9900k with a 2080ti) that run great.
  9. AndyMutz

    AndyMutz MDL Senior Member

    Jun 30, 2011
    I still game on LTSB 2016 and a 1080ti with latest drivers.. no problems at all :)

  10. JayPea

    JayPea MDL Junior Member

    Feb 28, 2009
    I had to move from LTSC (to Enterprise 1909) for the Game Pass stuff but having bought 3 years of Ultimate it would've been stupid not to. Other than that had precisely zero issues gaming on LTSC (8700K/2080ti with latest GFE).
  11. freiwald

    freiwald MDL Senior Member

    Jul 27, 2015
    #5071 freiwald, Mar 12, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2020
    it's ok if you don't use it, but i think i have to read this bulls*** once more, im gonna break my monitor.
    "ms said it's not made for private use" so it has to be the truth.
    fact is, since the first ltsb/ltsc version, everyone can play everything. there is no downside at all. everything runs fine, just like on a normal windows version or even better, since there is way less crap running in the background. it's a debloated windows 10 version, nothing else. no feature is missing, which any people with a right mind would miss. if you say ltsc is not made for home usage, then windows 7 also was never made for home usage.
    also what do you mean with rely on the latest nvidia drivers? the latest nvidia drivers run just fine on ltsc, there was never a problem with any nvidia driver on ltsc or even the older ltsb versions. ?????????

    of course only if you rely on ms store games, you will face issues and that is only because microsoft wants to push their newer updates. so they add newer windows versions to the system requirements for certain games on purpose, even tho it would run just fine with ltsc.

    for example, the newest ori game: ms store version cannot be installed with ltsc, since it needs a higher windows version then ltsc 2019 has but if you buy the game on steam it will install and run fine without any problems.
    same with blair witch. that proofs that it is nothing but intentionally from microsoft to block older windows versions, so people will update to play a certain game.

    if that wouldn't be the case and ms wouldn't try to force us to newer version, which in that case wouldn't be necessary to play the game, we could install and play every game on the store without problems.
    like for example forza 4 still runs fine without any problems.
    and that is not a ltsc problem after all, if you are on a normal 1809 windows edition, you will face the same issue
  12. kgtuning

    kgtuning MDL Member

    Aug 26, 2015
  13. jim_p

    jim_p MDL Senior Member

    Dec 11, 2013
    A friend of mine, accountant, has become way too anxious now that w7 reached eol and wants to switch to w10 by the end of this year. But...
    There are some accounting apps that, to me, seem like w98 apps but they work as they should on w7 without using the compatiility mode. Since the company that makes these apps has no clue, because of their age, they will be tested on w10 by trial and error. The question is, will there be a better probability for them to work if they are installed on an ltsc rather than the regular version?

    And, given the chance, I would like to ask some stuff about my movement to the ltsc once I upgrade my hardware.
    a) Does the 1809 ltsc have the built in ssh client?
    b) Will it work as it should on a 3rd gen ryzen (3600 or lower)? If not, I would rather move to an older cpu than install the regular w10!
  14. AndyMutz

    AndyMutz MDL Senior Member

    Jun 30, 2011
    there is, however, a driver limitation for newer nvidia cards:
    pascal cards do not work on LTSB 2015 and turing cards do not work on LTSB 2016.
    I assume this is due to the updates to WDDM.

    but as of now, I do not know of any kind of compatibility problems with LTSC 2019, except for the microsoft store shenanigans, which you already mentioned.
    I am eager to see whether or not the new ampere cards will work on LTSC 2019.

  15. freiwald

    freiwald MDL Senior Member

    Jul 27, 2015
    but you could still upgrade to the newest LTSC then, if you upgrade your hardware, so it will still run fine. it's not like there is no chance at all to use it on LTSC then.
  16. bfoos

    bfoos MDL Guide Dog

    Jun 15, 2008
    The problem is there may not be a "newest LTSC" available as Long Term Servicing Channel only releases once every 3 years or so. Bottom line is, if newer CPU scheduler updates are important to you, then maybe LTSC isn't for you. Frankly normal Enterprise as well as Education SKU's aren't that bad. Most of the user and provisioned appx's can be removed and they can all be simply ignored. And in this day and age of super powerful CPU's and GPU's, I seriously doubt that system resources take a noticeable enough hit to degrade your user experience.
  17. freiwald

    freiwald MDL Senior Member

    Jul 27, 2015
    #5077 freiwald, Mar 12, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2020
    well i know that, i use ltsb/ltsc since day 1! :D
    for now everything runs fine and if you are on 1511 or 1607 and buy something new which is not supported, you can still go to 1809. so everything will run fine for now.

    i will never use anything else then ltsc. i rather wait with buying a new graphic card then, if it shouldn't be supported by 1809 in the future, until there is a new ltsc version.
    i know ms said the next ltsc release will be next year and that would be fine with me, but somehow i got the feeling we get it this year already, just like with 1511>1607, it came early too.
    depends when the update with new startmenu and livetiles will be release for normal editions, if they manage to release it this october, i bet there will be a new ltsc release at the same time.
    not because they want to push that feature to ltsc, but because it will be easier for them to maintenance all the different versions.
  18. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Did 1809 get the fix for ryzen zen2?
  19. freiwald

    freiwald MDL Senior Member

    Jul 27, 2015
    i don't know but if hardware needs a software fix, to run like promised, the problem is somewhere else
  20. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009