I have an i5-6400 and 16GB RAM with 2TB SSD and GTX 1060 6GB PC. I play a lot of games, not heavy ones recently I bought the Divsion 2 and started to enjoy it but the problem is I keep getting stutters and lags. I even use ISLC (Intelligent Standby List Cleaner) and also use process lasso but still I do get a lot of stutters and some people have recommended to use either LTSB/LTSC edition of Windows 10. I am currently on Windows 1909. I have tried all the troublshooting steps but to no avail somtimes the stuttering is so bad that I have to close the game and restart it. I would be grateful if someone culd recommend me which version of LTSB/LTSC which will give me smooth gaming on the present GFX card I have, and from where do download ( I do not have money to spend on a new processor or OS). Thank you for helping
To err on the side of caution, you shouldn't do upgrades using the 17763.1 version (.1 has the file deletion bug). Upgrades should be safe beginning with build 17763.15.
Right click on your desktop then choose nVIDIA Control Panel. Go to Manage 3D Settings from the left pane, then scroll down a bit until you see power management. If you see it's set to OPTIMAL which is the default setting when you install a driver. That's your issue. Optimal Power means when there is no draw on the screen, the GPU clock speeds is set 0 MHz to save power and then ramps up once it needs to. Sounds great on paper, works like crap. This is the number one reason why anyone might experience crappy performance from their nVIDIA GPU. What's worse, is that's the default setting in the nVIDIA Control Panel after you install a new driver often leading people to blame the driver for bad performance when it's just the fault of nVIDIA's clowns. Set the power management to Adaptive which puts the GPU at lower clock speeds when no GPU intensive apps are in use and it would ramp the clocks up when needed. That actually works. It's the best balance between getting lower heat from the GPU and good performance in games. When benchmarking, for the optimal results, it's best to set the power management to High Performance. Mind you, after you change the power management to whatever you set it to, a reboot is mandatory for the new clocks to take effect. Classical nVIDIA Swiss Cheese
I'm not worried about the key. Isn't it possible to install Win 10 pro or exec over the top of Win 10 Home and it preserving the programs and personal files?
I don't know what you understood from my post, but you can't upgrade from home to pro by ISO, only by changing the product key in the settings app. Like shown here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...ws-home-to-windows-10-pro.81366/#post-1586284 ps, this is the 2019 LTSC thread, not really related to home > pro scenarios.
MS could sell LTSC to the general public but lets be real here few would actually pay $200 for it so why bother?
You are a genius. Thank you very much for the info. I'm very sorry I'm not in the correct thread. I will go try to find the correct thread to update from 1803 to 1909. Thank you immensely.