Hi! My PC is not compatible with Windows Hello! Nevertheless, on the event viewer I still have several warnings about using this feature. Is it possible to disable it?
^^^ so that is the problem I thought it was froze when installing on a VM and aborted a number of times and then finally waited. To much this 2019 and this is the corporate version? I am in no rush to install this on a real machine in fact depending on MSMG's efforts may just skip this offering all together and stick with 2016. One would think they will come out with a new ISO and not leave people with this build for 3 years? Also defender is not a piece of crap in 2016 as it has become in 2019. Lets not forget it deletes your data drives during upgrade. This is a professional phone operating system. Regards
Here you can find working links: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-hotfix-repository.57050/page-334#post-1477265 The UUP Dump links lead to download options, offering the Oct. 3. SSU and Oct. 30. CU. The stack mirror is down, the sendit-cloud mirrors are working.
Most is answered here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...p-slow-1809-final-build-17763-1-pc-rs5.77945/ UUP Dump= https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/discussion-download-uup-dump.75052/ SSU= Servicing Stack Update Oct.= October (should not be a mystery ) The link you quoted here, should be self explanatory
thanks, i was just curious to know, i can't even count the number of bugs that have occured on win10 since it has been released, that's incredible.
Do you guys think MS will put out a new ISO when 1809 get fixed? (Since they pulled the update) Not sure if something like this has happened before...
Used LTSB for years. Did a clean install of LTSC, there isn't any evidence of serious bugs at all. Just as reliable a platform in use as LTSB ever was.
Lets all stop being like kids, "they said.. I read, MS pulled" etc LTSC 2019 works perfectly fine Bugs will always exist, OS code is not one-liner
Has anyone successfully debloated LTSC w/ Github Proj by DrEmpiricism Optimize-Offline? (Can't post links) switches: -MetroApps "Select" -SystemApps -Packages -Features -Registry "Harden" -Index 2