[FONT="]Compiled[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]July[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]29[/FONT]
Well, TBH I haven't tried as my speed is very very low to download it right now. Also I have downloaded the VLSC ISOs so I won't be downloading it via MCT anytime soon but it will download the real thing as it's official.
Why does the Media Creation Tool say "Insider Preview" in it's GUI on installation? Did someone get lazy?
I lurk in shadows and I can confirm that some members are very annoying(such as those members that talk trash about SmartScreen and Edge - both using technologies to protect the end user and they are ungrateful) and they deserve the roast. I don't know about this particular member, but I want to say I love the roast in here. xD UNLIMITED ROAST WORKS(anime reference :<)
This program only downloads 14393 in English. The Mediacreationtool of the Microsoft website stay in 10586
Has anyone can browse in Chrome 64 bit edition when using this build? My Chrome 64 bit edition can't browse even open the help page..
Use a decent browser if you want to stay safe. Not that EDGE joke, nor that spyware tool which is the smartscreen.