The vendor of the graphic hardware is responsible for the provision of the user-mode and display miniport drivers and it looks like Nvidia is not doing much enough to meet the support for Windows 10. I am surprised that a small user-based like Linux is with a driver that works with troubles in your case.
@Horwatt, Could you added mag of 2 English FOD DVD9 (more than 5Tb) on v1607 VLSC for me it is possile. I can not DL from WZT posted because it limited 4Tb. TIA.
Where I can find download for Win10 Home 1607 (Anniversary) x64 final esd/iso? Hello everyone, Thats way too much stuff here, its confusing me... Where I can find the downloads for the new updated isos? I need the en-us and de-de language versions of it. Thanks in advance.