it doesn't needneedNEED 1 i don't think but it costs 16 mb 2 play it safe
yeah im sure that bitlockre don't need gpt or msr while ur right that there r firmwares that can read ntfs theyre few and far between if ur firmware speaks ntfs i don't see why not bootmgr itself of course speaks ntfs thatd be a hell of a trick ive nevr met a firmware that speaks betarfs
well that's not exactly ur os doing it now is it prolyl I haven't used winsetup in years yeah that would b no problem
Today we got IP build. Maybe tomorrow we'll get this RTM build update. They not must be in the same day.
You can add this registry setting to achieve this: Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer] "DisableSearchBoxSuggestions"=dword:00000001 This will also disable the list of previous searches when using search function in explorer. In my opinion not important at all. It really is a bad design choice by Microsoft to keep working on constantly removing found workarounds to disable web searches. Just give us an option in settings to disable this, Microsoft. What is it with this cat-and-mouse game...
Because they want lots of bing searches so they can say "we had 5 trillion bing searches in the past 6 months!"
Code: <policy name="DisableSearchBoxSuggestions" class="User" displayName="$(string.DisableSearchBoxSuggestions_DisplayName)" explainText="$(string.DisableSearchBoxSuggestions_ExplainText)" key="Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer" valueName="DisableSearchBoxSuggestions"> <parentCategory ref="windows:WindowsExplorer" /> <supportedOn ref="windows:SUPPORTED_Windows7" /> ... so its been there 11 years edit: policy doesn't seem linked 2 internet search system at all having used bing (irony!) 2 look around about this policy i smell cargocult (UseMachineCheck anybody ?)