WuMgr can only do so much, it sets the same Group Policies and Registry keys we all know, when setting that options. Some settings are unavailable on Home and Pro, as the Policies and keys will be ignored by them. You can, of course, use the Sledgehammer approach.
That is not something I am going to lose sleep over. If you wish to critique the functionality of this tool, I suggest that you take it up with the developer. You can post here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-update-manager.77736/
I didn't say he criticized "it." I said that he could "critique the functionality of this tool" to the developer, if he wanted. To critique something means to provide a "detailed analysis" and constructive feedback to the developer (in this context). I don't need you to interpret other MDL members for me. English is not a second language for me. Nor do I need to be reminded about the limitations of this tool.
No need to criticize anything, I'm an avid user of WuMgr since the very start. The restrictions are dictated by Windows.
That is absolutely true, until someone finds a "workaround" for those restrictions, which may not even be possible.
Even if they do, MS will find a way to work around them, unfortunately It's the beast we live with. Worse than CV19 is Win10.
I've heard that 2004/20h2 builds need /restorehealth right after installation due to some corrupted files, is this true?
There must be a way to turn off compression when assembling an ISO from an ESD file to get a DVD9 instead of a DVD5? It seems like a lot of CPU time is consumed in running compression routines. I bet that W10 would even install faster if the files weren’t compressed. I never use a DVD for W10 anyway. If I put W10 on a USB, it’s a 32Gb USB or greater. I can’t even find 8Gb USB drives where I live.
The ESD is esd based so with install.esd is faster, with wim it needs decompression. And no, there is no significant difference between using a install.wim, install.esd or install.swm files, in my recently posted test install.esd even was a bit faster.
i cant upgrade to the .608 when the upgrade start u get the getting update window then it closes and nothing else happens
Thanks for testing this and providing the information. While I usually start an install and perform other tasks, sometimes I just get tired of watching the little dots go around and around. I’ve heard that the dots going around is MSFT deploying hypnosis techniques on their users. Turning us all into W10 zombies, especially before Halloween!
This known for some time now, inplace upgrade 19042 > 19042 is not working atm. Or is this now with 19041.xxx to 19042.xxx too? The latter can be simply done by installing the 20H2 EP.