If it can copy save the update download links, can offline scan, im sold. Is it possible to rewrite it with net 3.5 so w7 users wont have to install .net 461?
Just tested on a 1803 build and it also suffers the same issue WUMT has with CU updates delivered via UUP .
A lot still use w7 and dont like installing uneeded .nets. If not, we take what we are given and are bloody grateful for it.
@DavidXanatos, I am so glad that you're doing this and can't thank you enough. While you're developing it I'd like to make a request. Can you make the command line options the same or similar to WUMT? For example: Code: wumgr -update -onclose [command] The "-update" parameter automatically starts searching for updates when wumgr opens, and "-onclose" allows me to run a command when wumgr is closed, such as "net stop wuauserv." I want to replace WUMT with wumgr in my wrapper script. I hate to throw all this at you, but better now than after you have a finished release. Thanks for your consideration.
Than the issue is with the Update Agent API itself. As someone wrote on the other thread the cumulative updates seam to be using the new Unified Update Platform API. I will look into the issue, does anyone found already some relevant documentation on the new UUP mechanism and how to programatically check for updates? Since the update agent API is often used by various commercial tools to audit a PC and validate if its secure, it would be a very od choice to not provide an other method to test if certain necessary updates are installed and if some are missing which once. I mean in the end all what we need is a list of missing updates, if we cant download/install them through the new API than OK, we will download them from M$ directly and install them from the command line. All that automatically (if we so choose) with the update manager of cause.
Nice nice nice ... Not actually nice. Then I'll have to install .net 3.5 on W8.1 or 10 right? M$ is about to end W7 support so why bother. W7 users: install .net 4.6.1
If its written in net351 it can use later if 351 isnt installed, so w7 and w10 users casn use whatever net is already installed. Of course it all depends on DavidX but if he can please everyone,,,, Windows 7 aint dead yet an wont die for a couple more years.
You wont know until you ask. Ask nicely and dont demand or moan and you just may get what you wish for.
I see that the offline update seams to find the Cumulative update KB433819 with 677Mb on my 1803 test VM. I think the best fix would be to add an option to the "offline" search which automatically downloads the latest wsusscn2.cab from M$, possibly make the offline search checkBox 3 state intermediate state would means download the cab automatically. What do you think? One issue though there seam to be a problem with getting the update categories when searching in offline mode I cant get those, the WUMT seam also to have some issues as it seams to show different categories when searching online and different when offline, so the categories for the offline mode are obtained with some workaround, could be a different IUpdate property I havn't found or as simple as parsing the update title, will have to investigate on that. Cheers David X.
If it is as easy as just changing the .net framework selection in the visual studio than I can provide two binary packages, 3.5 .NET code should be compatible with 4.6.1 .NET I guess, the library for the nice list view was originally write with .NET 2.0 and build with 4.6.1 .NET just fine.
W7 wont have many changes to WU so 1 good stable tool release should last for ages, its w10 that needs the constant work.
I don't think it has new or separate API, rather a new undocumented function in WUAPI WindowsUpdateDownloadFromUUP is the one that appear in the logs constantly