am I over thinking on things?? like the fact that adobe had to issues an update to fix a major flash exploit. and microsoft has not issues a update for their built in flash. hasnt been updated sense 8th of march.... but then again microsoft breaks things with their flash updates.
what version of dot net framework 4 is in this build ? in 10586.1511.164 in registry is 4.6.01038 (aka 4.6.1) in 14316 in registry is 4.6.01541 (aka 4.6.???) c
Simply click X to cancel it prevent the repetition of the process. It looks like it is caused by line errors in the script that controls group policy editor.
You need a HWID to be genuinly activated, or just skip the key questions during install and use MTK2beta5 or KMSpico afterwards.
I think you misquote my post. I am talking about how to avoid repetition of the error dialogs which come up during the issuing of the group policy command, gpedit.msc.
Any idea on how to get Messaging + Skype app from Windows 10 TH2, instead of the version from 14316? I miss the old Skype video app, which was apparently removed in favor of the Skype UWP Preview which is currently broken. I tried installing the package for Messaging + Skype from TH2, but the app does not launch (as soon as it gets launched, it crashes). Thanks. Edit: Nevermind, uninstalled and reinstalled it a couple of times, then lastly uninstalled it and reinstalled from Windows Store which weirdly enough picked up the old version and installed it correctly with all the dependencies.
Having major problem with this build on a Dell N5050 laptop. When I install Windows 10 everything goes good. It reboots and sign in shows. Then when it loads it installs the Intel HD3000 video drivers. The screen goes black, only mouse pointer shows and moves. After a few minutes pointer is gone and nothing shows. System is still running because when you put a USB stick in it makes the sound that you inserted the stick but still no display. Anyone encounter this and is there a fix.
You know that ? Separate the Group Policy service into a separate SVCHOST instance. Implement the following command in the System Center Configuration Manager task sequence to set the corresponding registry entry:cmd /c reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\gpsvc" /v Type /t REG_DWORD /d 0x10 /f By default, GPSVC isolates itself when detecting a CSE. This will force GPSVC to always start in an isolated SVCHOST instance (and this includes the first start). This prevents the registration of the RPC communications in different SVCHOST processes, and lets Winlogon successfully connect to the correct process.