The only reason I can come up with for why things work for some and not others is Clean install, if not, you may be carrying over errors from past builds
me no, I just consider Cortana as a baby, that need to listen and see everything around her to learn to improve his intelligence.
Will get a lot better when they add Amazon's Echo/Alexa to it, I have one and , well you would not believe what this thing can do, check it out at Amazon Echo
I don't. Cortana is pretty cool. No spyware here. Just because people think it is so, does not make it so.
the only real spyware is they crazy people thinking she is spying they are cancer and the reason we can't have good things
I could not have said it better myself. People who think MS is spying are a cancer to the group. They continually talk fud, and prevent concentration on concerns which are real.
MS must really think I am the pervert of the year, see I am trying to get Cortana to say something inappropriate so I have to ask her adult questions, If she says something naughty , I can sue MS, or settle out of court, so if they send what I say to MS, they don't share with sex police, and the best thing is, I don't care
Yeah, I saw that. They're just colors that you can set anyway and I always use black colors and taskbar and have no interest in any hideous colors, different annoying sounds and I don't use sounds, with wallpapers that I can download from anywhere. About as useful as Windows 7 themes. In other words, completely useless. A lot like game mode.
Has anyone messed around with Windows Defender Application Guard (Beta) isolated browser containers in this build yet? My preliminary testing shows that adding this feature does correctly enable/start the Secure System (secure kernel) system process which communicates with the isolated container and is rather interesting. However, my experience with Edge in general is limited, Microsoft is expected to open this isolated container / secure kernel Windows Defender Application Guard feature to third-party browsers at some point in the future which will be great.
You can actually NOT like Windows, and still realize the truth that there is NO spyware. One does not have to be a fanboy to know the truth.