for me some of these things are very useful, for example: Weather, Mail, Edge, Calendar, and few others, and telemetry is 100% needed on Insider Preview builds.
Insider builds send even much more Telemetry as regular builds. These dev builds have force-set Telemetry to full galore. As much as I hate Telemetry, here it makes full sense.
No. I didn't disabled this. I think it's a bug. I have he-il build. It has also bug here :
Has Cortana been separated from the search box for you? This is one of those features where it is only released to a few people initially. It has for me and I do see the recent activities.
I see Cortana only in Settings. I saw Recent activities in build 18282 so this feature is not for Insiders.
@kosta20071, Do you have too the missing of Recent activities (In search) in he-il local build ? BTW, the Top apps new feature doesn't show for me apps from Store. Only build-in apps.
I am not on he-il.. I always use en-us and English is my display language. I have Recent Activities in Search... and Top Apps is also there (for built-in apps and regular software like firefox ) I think you are right and it is due to He-IL local language you use .
I haven't fooled around with windows preview builds in quite a while. How long before this would expire?
Run winver Current Builds (18329) expires on 5 July 2019. 19H1 is ver. 1903 now April 2019 Update Insiders should get Final 1903 in March. Public should get in April.
Officially, it's locked on Full diagnostics. Getting as much feedback as possible is the very reason those builds exist. Of course, you can rip it out using the known tricks.