Settings - Account - Sign in options is broken The rest of 18885.1001 I find is really fast and smooth, im loving it.
in this version the sandbox works perfectly with the portuguese language brazil .. I hope microsoft will soon release a fix for the build that is considered the final (18362.30)
Thanks for the info! I will try what you suggest. I don't expect any thing great from loT Enterprise, but I've tried just about everything else. And thanks to mkuba50 for the heads up on the disabled reserved storage; it don't sound worth doing but I have gotten to like checking out all the different versions. From what I gather about loT Enterprise it's good for, assembly line conveyor control, Rasberry Pi and ATM machines and so on. Oh well still fun to play with.
If you are going to install windows anyway, you can just as easily disable the reserved storage before you install it, on any usable 1903 sku. You won't be able to activate IoT.
That's IoT Core IoT Enterprise is basically the successor of Windows 8.1 Embedded Industry Enterprise (full Desktop)
Ok thanks! Might be worth playing with then, at least for the fun of installing it, but if it won't activate it's not very useful for anything.