[DISCUSSION] Windows 10 Demoted Back to Insider Preview 17133.1 (PC) [RS4_Release]

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Enthousiast, Mar 27, 2018.

  1. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
    Hey, I have 85 more Windows than most people, they have Windows 10, I have Windows 95. ;)
  2. demonius

    demonius MDL Novice

    Aug 12, 2012
    It is curious how most users prefer to believe the speculations of magazines or sites on the Internet that in turn take as a source various sites that are similarly based on rumors, to create a whole conspiracy theory of the delay in the official launch of the Redstone 4

    For the joke of the day there is Zack Bowden and his "hidden sources" hahahahahaha
  3. maddogster

    maddogster MDL Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2015
    sorry us users have this on very good inside source in the microsoft build release bunker - I can't name my high level source at the moment...cough ninja cat so excuse me for that :)
  4. oliverjia

    oliverjia MDL Addicted

    Mar 1, 2008
    I don't give a damn anymore :)
    My main system runs Ubuntu for years. I probably boot up a spare Windows 10 system for 10 minutes once every month or so.
  5. yolo_twice

    yolo_twice MDL Novice

    Jul 15, 2015
    MS should have decoupled more parts of the OS from the core so they could do fast updates using the store. This would align with both the power users needs (let me remove cortana and searchui without breaking the entire OS please daddy) and their need of vomiting things like People and PaintFourthDimensionWorstTimeline. There's probably some ENTERPRISE motive that they don't/can't do this.
  6. EaglePC

    EaglePC MDL Expert

    Feb 13, 2012
    freshly installed 1709 all great oh well there is only one more in fall 1809 and then Windows 12?
  7. kraystase

    kraystase MDL Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    windows 12 never existed and windows 12 will never exist and 11 too

    windows 10 last name for windows , now windows will have update every month and big update every 6 months

    microsoft says it at the launch of windows 10
  8. whitestar_999

    whitestar_999 MDL Addicted

    Dec 9, 2011
    @cuteee ^^April fool's day is long gone.
  9. kraystase

    kraystase MDL Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    1 april lol ......
  10. chlynx

    chlynx MDL Member

    Mar 27, 2017
    Well, everyone in this world has a place for themselves, and Food critics, just like any other critic do their job. That's what they are paid for or earn their livelihood. I didn't target anyone specific. But invariably demeaning and belittling someone's efforts is not the same as constructive criticisms.
  11. oliverjia

    oliverjia MDL Addicted

    Mar 1, 2008
    #1933 oliverjia, Apr 14, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2018
    Those who coded and managed Windows product are also paid to do their job. And they messed it up, multiple times, not only 1803 but other builds as well. Yes people make mistakes occasionally, because people are not God. But when these well-paid "professionals" made stupid mistakes frequently, someone has to be fired. This is strictly business, and constructive measures to keep a business healthy in the long run. Firing incompetent individuals, similar to critics, are not demeaning or belittling someone's efforts, but normal business practice.

    Anyway, like I said before, I have been running Linux on my main system for years. Whatever happened to 1803 is not relevant to me. But as a outsider, I believe I am still entitled to share my personal opinion on this Windows bug in this public forum. So you keep yours and I keep mine. Peace.
  12. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    hmm maybe sad, but I agree 100% because I also work with repair and is same thing everyday someone come to my house and the first thing them complain is oh my God I buy my pc/notebook more or less 1 month ago and now my machine are very slow as hell then all of them speak to me Mr. what you can make to turn my machine good another time? really is very sad but is my livelihood eh! is contraditory for some new Windows is crap but for me I dont think so ;):thinking::eek:
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  13. dabugen

    dabugen MDL Junior Member

    Apr 26, 2017
    Sorry, but it´s dangerous to not upgrade a GRAPHICS driver? Especially since LTSB 2018 seems to come in just 5 months from now and will then support WDDM 2.3 and this standard not being updated anytime soon within the next years (and even then next LTSB would cover it in ~2 to 3 years)? You can´t be serious.... IF anything is a risk, it´s these steady pointless and buggy feature upgrades all 6 months which ruins TONS of consumer computers with boot-loops, bluescreens and lost drivers (and hence non-operating hardware for the average Joe as they do not know how to fix it or try to fix it and then mess it up completely), resetted Apps (and hence lost private data), etc etc etc. THAT is the real danger and I can tell you that from my daily experience with such customers that then have to pay me to fix it for them. Sure a good thing for me, but honestly, I feel BAD for them that they have to spend money on me just because MS messed up again with another forced upgrade that they HAD to push out even with bugs on their 6 months "beta-tester-cycle" (and nothing less it is). And it definitely is not having to wait a year to upgrade to a new graphics driver with the LTSB versions which are the only way to go with Windows 10 really if you care about ANY kind of stability.
  14. farmers

    farmers MDL Senior Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    Me too! I still get machines now that have just been screwed up by the FCU.
  15. farmers

    farmers MDL Senior Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    Most home users haven't the remotest idea what an ISO is. Heck, many don't even know what the Desktop is, let alone a browser, the Start button or even the Start Menu.
  16. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    A lot of them that have been users since the XP days blame the manufacturer for the mountain of crap they see in the start menu.

    "Why does HP/Dell/Acer ...... install all of this crap I wont ever use" on their windows 10 system never understanding that a 100% vanilla 10 install is virtually identical when it comes to that mess.

    I would imagine that MS is well aware of this and took this opportunity to really load up the start menu knowing that they would be sheltered from blame.
  17. Mouri_Naruto

    Mouri_Naruto MDL Developer

    Jul 10, 2014
    I think 17134 is the post RTM for fixing the blocking bug.
  18. TairikuOkami

    TairikuOkami MDL Expert

    Mar 15, 2014
    #1940 TairikuOkami, Apr 14, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2018
    For the record, NET Framework 3.5 can be installed on 17133.73, but network protocols still can not be removed. :(

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