[DISCUSSION] Windows 11 Enterprise/IoT Enterprise (N) LTSC 2024 (24H2 / 26100.x)

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by Enthousiast, Apr 26, 2024.

  1. Sum_Ting_Wong

    Sum_Ting_Wong MDL Member

    Jan 30, 2024
    #581 Sum_Ting_Wong, May 31, 2024
    Last edited: May 31, 2024
  2. kyrcy

    kyrcy MDL Member

    Feb 25, 2020
  3. justinkb

    justinkb MDL Member

    Jul 16, 2008
    Seems like a bug, I ran into this too and the cbs.log indicates it's trying to find ProfessionalEdition servicing package files to set up the container layer for the disposable vm, but failing since those files aren't present on LTSC installs, must be a weird oversight. Tried copying those over from a Pro install.wim (and putting them into the right folder as TrustedInstaller), but still didn't end up working
  4. Eiji Shinjo

    Eiji Shinjo MDL Novice

    Jan 21, 2013
    #584 Eiji Shinjo, May 31, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2024
  5. Sum_Ting_Wong

    Sum_Ting_Wong MDL Member

    Jan 30, 2024
    #585 Sum_Ting_Wong, May 31, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2024
    As of April. It's still in working order, dev had to move on with life. Hopefully a forker takes it up but barring drastic theme changes for 24H2 it should work perfectly for a few years.

    Here is my theme. Warning: Beta, fix may not fix everything exactly right, make a restore point first if you care to try it.
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    "AccentColorMenu"=dword:64222222                    ; Window borders and titlebar, where [aabbggrr] aa = alpha & possibly ignored
    "StartColorMenu"=dword:641e1e1e                     ; Modals in UWP ex. Apply new refresh rate in 10
        da,50,10,88,\                                   ; Links in action center and apps
        ca,50,10,88,\                                   ; Taskbar icons underline
        ca,50,10,88,\                                   ; Start button hover
        da,50,10,88,\                                   ; Settings icons and links [orange dark]
        17,17,17,88,\                                   ; Startmenu background / Active taskbar button - IF "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000000
        1d,1d,1d,88,\                                   ; Taskbar front and Folders on start list background [Dark]
        1d,1d,1d,88,\                                   ; Taskbar background - IF "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000001
        1d,1d,1d,88                                     ; Unused...?
    "AccentColorMenu"=dword:64222222                    ; Window borders and titlebar, where [aabbggrr] aa = alpha & possibly ignored
    "StartColorMenu"=dword:641e1e1e                     ; Modals in UWP ex. Apply new refresh rate in 10
        da,50,10,88,\                                   ; Links in action center and apps, where [rr,gg,88,88] 64 = alpha, ignored
        ca,50,10,88,\                                   ; Taskbar icons underline
        ca,50,10,88,\                                   ; Start button hover
        da,50,10,88,\                                   ; Settings icons and links [orange dark]
        17,17,17,88,\                                   ; Startmenu background / Active taskbar button - IF "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000000
        1d,1d,1d,88,\                                   ; Taskbar front and Folders on start list background [Dark]
        1d,1d,1d,88,\                                   ; Taskbar background - IF "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000001
        1d,1d,1d,88                                     ; Unused...?
    "AccentColorMenu"=dword:64222222                    ; Window borders and titlebar, where [aabbggrr] aa = alpha & possibly ignored
    "StartColorMenu"=dword:641e1e1e                     ; Modals in UWP ex. Apply new refresh rate in 10
        da,50,10,88,\                                   ; Links in action center and apps
        ca,50,10,88,\                                   ; Taskbar icons underline
        ca,50,10,88,\                                   ; Start button hover
        da,50,10,88,\                                   ; Settings icons and links [orange dark]
        17,17,17,88,\                                   ; Startmenu background / Active taskbar button - IF "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000000
        1d,1d,1d,88,\                                   ; Taskbar front and Folders on start list background [Dark]
        1d,1d,1d,88,\                                   ; Taskbar background - IF "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000001
        1d,1d,1d,88                                     ; Unused...?
    "AccentColorMenu"=dword:64222222                    ; Window borders and titlebar, where [aabbggrr] aa = alpha & possibly ignored
    "StartColorMenu"=dword:641e1e1e                     ; Modals in UWP ex. Apply new refresh rate in 10
        da,50,10,88,\                                   ; Links in action center and apps
        ca,50,10,88,\                                   ; Taskbar icons underline
        ca,50,10,88,\                                   ; Start button hover
        da,50,10,88,\                                   ; Settings icons and links [orange dark]
        17,17,17,88,\                                   ; Startmenu background / Active taskbar button - IF "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000000
        1d,1d,1d,88,\                                   ; Taskbar front and Folders on start list background [Dark]
        1d,1d,1d,88,\                                   ; Taskbar background - IF "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000001
        1d,1d,1d,88                                     ; Unused...?
    "ColorPrevalence"=dword:00000001                    ; Show accent color on Title bars and window borders [x]
    "AccentColor"=dword:641d1d1d                        ; Active title bars - black unsupported in the UI but works with AccentPalette
    "AccentColorInactive"=dword:64171717                ; Inactive title bars
    "Composition"=dword:00000001                        ; Desktop composition
    "ColorizationColor"=dword:64ca8016                  ; Colorization settings = fine tuning
    ;; "ColorizationColorBalanceInactive"=-
    ;; "ColorizationAfterglowBalanceInactive"=-
    ;; "ColorizationBlurBalanceInactive"=-
    "EnableWindowColorization"=dword:00000001           ; Colorize Explorer titlebar and others IF "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000001
    ;; "BlurDeviation"=dword:0000000a
    ;; "GlassOpacity"=dword:00000059
    ;; "Glass"=dword:00000001
    ;; "Blur"=dword:00000001
    ;; "EnableMachineCheck"=dword:00000000
    ;; "perUser"=dword:00000000
    "ColorPrevalence"=dword:00000001                    ; Show accent color on Title bars and window borders [x]
    "AccentColor"=dword:641d1d1d                        ; Active title bars - black unsupported in the UI but works with AccentPalette
    "AccentColorInactive"=dword:64171717                ; Inactive title bars
    "Composition"=dword:00000001                        ; Desktop composition
    "ColorizationColor"=dword:64ca8016                  ; Colorization settings = fine tuning
    ;; "ColorizationColorBalanceInactive"=-
    ;; "ColorizationAfterglowBalanceInactive"=-
    ;; "ColorizationBlurBalanceInactive"=-
    "EnableWindowColorization"=dword:00000001           ; Colorize Explorer titlebar and others IF "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000001
    ;; "ColorizationGlassReflectionIntensity"=dword:00000000 ; 64
    ;; "BlurDeviation"=dword:0000000a
    ;; "GlassOpacity"=dword:00000059
    ;; "Glass"=dword:00000001
    ;; "Blur"=dword:00000001
    ;; "EnableMachineCheck"=dword:00000000
    ;; "perUser"=dword:00000000
    "ForceEffectMode"=dword:00000000                    ; Dark Start and Taskbar while Transparency is on - needed for highlight active button
    ;; "EnableFrontBufferRenderChecks"=dword:00000001
    ;; "OverlayTestMode"=dword:00000005
    "ColorPrevalence"=dword:00000001                    ; Show accent color on Start, taskbar and action center [x]
    "AppsUseLightTheme"=dword:00000000                  ; Apps mode [Dark]
    "SystemUsesLightTheme"=dword:00000000               ; Windows mode [Dark]
    "EnabledBlurBehind"=dword:00000000                  ; Blur [] - Strange behavior on 11
    "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000001                 ; Transparency [x] needed for highlight active button
    "Composition"=dword:00000001                        ; Desktop composition
    "ColorizationColor"=dword:64ca8016                  ; Colorization settings = fine tuning
    ;; "ColorizationColorBalanceInactive"=-
    ;; "ColorizationAfterglowBalanceInactive"=-
    ;; "ColorizationBlurBalanceInactive"=-
    "EnableWindowColorization"=dword:00000001           ; Colorize Explorer titlebar and others IF "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000001
    ;; "BlurDeviation"=dword:0000000a
    ;; "GlassOpacity"=dword:00000059
    ;; "Glass"=dword:00000001
    ;; "Blur"=dword:00000001
    ;; "EnableMachineCheck"=dword:00000000
    ;; "perUser"=dword:00000000
    "ColorPrevalence"=dword:00000001                    ; Show accent color on Start, taskbar and action center [x]
    "AppsUseLightTheme"=dword:00000000                  ; Apps mode [Dark]
    "SystemUsesLightTheme"=dword:00000000               ; Windows mode [Dark]
    "EnabledBlurBehind"=dword:00000000               ; Blur [] - Strange behavior on 11
    "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000001                 ; Transparency [x] needed for highlight active button
    "Composition"=dword:00000001                        ; Desktop composition
    "ColorizationColor"=dword:64ca8016                  ; Colorization settings = fine tuning
    ;; "ColorizationColorBalanceInactive"=-
    ;; "ColorizationAfterglowBalanceInactive"=-
    ;; "ColorizationBlurBalanceInactive"=-
    "EnableWindowColorization"=dword:00000001           ; Colorize Explorer titlebar and others IF "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000001
    ;; "BlurDeviation"=dword:0000000a
    ;; "GlassOpacity"=dword:00000059
    ;; "Glass"=dword:00000001
    ;; "Blur"=dword:00000001
    ;; "EnableMachineCheck"=dword:00000000
    ;; "perUser"=dword:00000000
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
    "Background"="17 17 17"
    "DisableAcrylicBackgroundOnLogon"=dword:00000001    ; color enabler for logon on 11
    "DisableLogonBackgroundImage"=-                     ; keep logon picture
    "PersonalColors_Background"="#171717"               ; Ctrl+Alt+Del background
    "NoLockScreen"=-                                    ; keep lock screen
    [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors]
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors]
    "Hilight"="204 80 16"
    "HotTrackingColor"="164 64 10"
    "MenuHilight"="204 80 16"
    "ActiveBorder"="200 78 14"
    "HilightText"="252 252 252"
    "TitleText"="168 168 168"
    "GrayText"="88 88 88"
    "InactiveBorder"="190 70 8"
    "InactiveTitle"="50 50 50"
    "ActiveTitle"="26 26 26"
    "AppWorkspace"="60 60 60"
    "Background"="50 50 50"
    "Desktop"="20 20 20"
    "GradientActiveTitle"="232 143 85"
    "GradientInactiveTitle"="187 113 91"
    "InactiveTitleText"="140 140 140"
    "InfoWindow"="242 202 183"
    "InfoText"="2 2 2"
    "Menu"="242 202 183"
    "MenuBar"="73 73 73"
    "MenuText"="247 247 247"
    "Scrollbar"="88 88 88"
    "Window"="140 140 140"
    "WindowFrame"="70 70 70"
    "WindowText"="86 43 2"
    "ButtonFace"="140 140 140"
    "ButtonHilight"="204 80 16"
    "ButtonDkShadow"="110 44 7"
    "ButtonText"="21 21 21"
    "ButtonAlternateFace"="111 45 105"
    "ButtonLight"="192 83 22"
    "ButtonShadow"="122 122 122"
    ;; "ExplorerBackground"="155 0 155"
    ;; "ExplorerBackgroundText"="0 155 0"
    [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\Colors]
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\Colors]
    "Hilight"="204 80 16"
    "HotTrackingColor"="164 64 10"
    "MenuHilight"="204 80 16"
    "ActiveBorder"="200 78 14"
    "HilightText"="252 252 252"
    "TitleText"="168 168 168"
    "GrayText"="88 88 88"
    "InactiveBorder"="190 70 8"
    "InactiveTitle"="50 50 50"
    "ActiveTitle"="26 26 26"
    "AppWorkspace"="60 60 60"
    "Background"="50 50 50"
    "Desktop"="20 20 20"
    "GradientActiveTitle"="232 143 85"
    "GradientInactiveTitle"="187 113 91"
    "InactiveTitleText"="140 140 140"
    "InfoWindow"="242 202 183"
    "InfoText"="2 2 2"
    "Menu"="242 202 183"
    "MenuBar"="73 73 73"
    "MenuText"="247 247 247"
    "Scrollbar"="88 88 88"
    "Window"="140 140 140"
    "WindowFrame"="70 70 70"
    "WindowText"="86 43 2"
    "ButtonFace"="140 140 140"
    "ButtonHilight"="204 80 16"
    "ButtonDkShadow"="110 44 7"
    "ButtonText"="21 21 21"
    "ButtonAlternateFace"="111 45 105"
    "ButtonLight"="192 83 22"
    "ButtonShadow"="122 122 122"
    ;; "ExplorerBackground"="155 0 155"
    ;; "ExplorerBackgroundText"="0 155 0"
    [-HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Colors]
    [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Colors]
    "Hilight"="204 80 16"
    "HotTrackingColor"="164 64 10"
    "MenuHilight"="204 80 16"
    "ActiveBorder"="200 78 14"
    "HilightText"="252 252 252"
    "TitleText"="168 168 168"
    "GrayText"="88 88 88"
    "InactiveBorder"="190 70 8"
    "InactiveTitle"="50 50 50"
    "ActiveTitle"="26 26 26"
    "AppWorkspace"="60 60 60"
    "Background"="50 50 50"
    "Desktop"="20 20 20"
    "GradientActiveTitle"="232 143 85"
    "GradientInactiveTitle"="187 113 91"
    "InactiveTitleText"="140 140 140"
    "InfoWindow"="242 202 183"
    "InfoText"="2 2 2"
    "Menu"="242 202 183"
    "MenuBar"="73 73 73"
    "MenuText"="247 247 247"
    "Scrollbar"="88 88 88"
    "Window"="140 140 140"
    "WindowFrame"="70 70 70"
    "WindowText"="86 43 2"
    "ButtonFace"="140 140 140"
    "ButtonHilight"="204 80 16"
    "ButtonDkShadow"="110 44 7"
    "ButtonText"="21 21 21"
    "ButtonAlternateFace"="111 45 105"
    "ButtonLight"="192 83 22"
    "ButtonShadow"="122 122 122"
    ;; "ExplorerBackground"="155 0 155"
    ;; "ExplorerBackgroundText"="0 155 0"
    [-HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop\Colors]
    [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop\Colors]
    "Hilight"="204 80 16"
    "HotTrackingColor"="164 64 10"
    "MenuHilight"="204 80 16"
    "ActiveBorder"="200 78 14"
    "HilightText"="252 252 252"
    "TitleText"="168 168 168"
    "GrayText"="88 88 88"
    "InactiveBorder"="190 70 8"
    "InactiveTitle"="50 50 50"
    "ActiveTitle"="26 26 26"
    "AppWorkspace"="60 60 60"
    "Background"="50 50 50"
    "Desktop"="20 20 20"
    "GradientActiveTitle"="232 143 85"
    "GradientInactiveTitle"="187 113 91"
    "InactiveTitleText"="140 140 140"
    "InfoWindow"="242 202 183"
    "InfoText"="2 2 2"
    "Menu"="242 202 183"
    "MenuBar"="73 73 73"
    "MenuText"="247 247 247"
    "Scrollbar"="88 88 88"
    "Window"="140 140 140"
    "WindowFrame"="70 70 70"
    "WindowText"="86 43 2"
    "ButtonFace"="140 140 140"
    "ButtonHilight"="204 80 16"
    "ButtonDkShadow"="110 44 7"
    "ButtonText"="21 21 21"
    "ButtonAlternateFace"="111 45 105"
    "ButtonLight"="192 83 22"
    "ButtonShadow"="122 122 122"
    ;; "ExplorerBackground"="155 0 155"
    ;; "ExplorerBackgroundText"="0 155 0"
    [-HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Control Panel\Colors]
    [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Control Panel\Colors]
    "Hilight"="204 80 16"
    "HotTrackingColor"="164 64 10"
    "MenuHilight"="204 80 16"
    "ActiveBorder"="200 78 14"
    "HilightText"="252 252 252"
    "TitleText"="168 168 168"
    "GrayText"="88 88 88"
    "InactiveBorder"="190 70 8"
    "InactiveTitle"="50 50 50"
    "ActiveTitle"="26 26 26"
    "AppWorkspace"="60 60 60"
    "Background"="50 50 50"
    "Desktop"="20 20 20"
    "GradientActiveTitle"="232 143 85"
    "GradientInactiveTitle"="187 113 91"
    "InactiveTitleText"="140 140 140"
    "InfoWindow"="242 202 183"
    "InfoText"="2 2 2"
    "Menu"="242 202 183"
    "MenuBar"="73 73 73"
    "MenuText"="247 247 247"
    "Scrollbar"="88 88 88"
    "Window"="140 140 140"
    "WindowFrame"="70 70 70"
    "WindowText"="86 43 2"
    "ButtonFace"="140 140 140"
    "ButtonHilight"="204 80 16"
    "ButtonDkShadow"="110 44 7"
    "ButtonText"="21 21 21"
    "ButtonAlternateFace"="111 45 105"
    "ButtonLight"="192 83 22"
    "ButtonShadow"="122 122 122"
    ;; "ExplorerBackground"="155 0 155"
    ;; "ExplorerBackgroundText"="0 155 0"
    [-HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\Control Panel\Colors]
    [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\Control Panel\Colors]
    "Hilight"="204 80 16"
    "HotTrackingColor"="164 64 10"
    "MenuHilight"="204 80 16"
    "ActiveBorder"="200 78 14"
    "HilightText"="252 252 252"
    "TitleText"="168 168 168"
    "GrayText"="88 88 88"
    "InactiveBorder"="190 70 8"
    "InactiveTitle"="50 50 50"
    "ActiveTitle"="26 26 26"
    "AppWorkspace"="60 60 60"
    "Background"="50 50 50"
    "Desktop"="20 20 20"
    "GradientActiveTitle"="232 143 85"
    "GradientInactiveTitle"="187 113 91"
    "InactiveTitleText"="140 140 140"
    "InfoWindow"="242 202 183"
    "InfoText"="2 2 2"
    "Menu"="242 202 183"
    "MenuBar"="73 73 73"
    "MenuText"="247 247 247"
    "Scrollbar"="88 88 88"
    "Window"="140 140 140"
    "WindowFrame"="70 70 70"
    "WindowText"="86 43 2"
    "ButtonFace"="140 140 140"
    "ButtonHilight"="204 80 16"
    "ButtonDkShadow"="110 44 7"
    "ButtonText"="21 21 21"
    "ButtonAlternateFace"="111 45 105"
    "ButtonLight"="192 83 22"
    "ButtonShadow"="122 122 122"
    ;; "ExplorerBackground"="155 0 155"
    ;; "ExplorerBackgroundText"="0 155 0"
    "ColorPrevalence"=dword:00000001                    ; Show accent color on Title bars and window borders [x]
    "AccentColor"=dword:641d1d1d                        ; Active title bars - black unsupported in the UI but works with AccentPalette
    "AccentColorInactive"=dword:64171717                ; Inactive title bars
    "Composition"=dword:00000001                        ; Desktop composition
    "ColorizationColor"=dword:64ca8016                  ; Colorization settings = fine tuning
    ;; "ColorizationColorBalanceInactive"=-
    ;; "ColorizationAfterglowBalanceInactive"=-
    ;; "ColorizationBlurBalanceInactive"=-
    "EnableWindowColorization"=dword:00000001           ; Colorize Explorer titlebar and others IF "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000001
    ;; "BlurDeviation"=dword:0000000a
    ;; "GlassOpacity"=dword:00000059
    ;; "Glass"=dword:00000001
    ;; "Blur"=dword:00000001
    ;; "EnableMachineCheck"=dword:00000000
    ;; "perUser"=dword:00000000
    "ColorPrevalence"=dword:00000001                    ; Show accent color on Title bars and window borders [x]
    "AccentColor"=dword:641d1d1d                        ; Active title bars - black unsupported in the UI but works with AccentPalette
    "AccentColorInactive"=dword:64171717                ; Inactive title bars
    "Composition"=dword:00000001                        ; Desktop composition
    "ColorizationColor"=dword:64ca8016                  ; Colorization settings = fine tuning
    ;; "ColorizationColorBalanceInactive"=-
    ;; "ColorizationAfterglowBalanceInactive"=-
    ;; "ColorizationBlurBalanceInactive"=-
    "EnableWindowColorization"=dword:00000001           ; Colorize Explorer titlebar and others IF "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000001
    ;; "BlurDeviation"=dword:0000000a
    ;; "GlassOpacity"=dword:00000059
    ;; "Glass"=dword:00000001
    ;; "Blur"=dword:00000001
    ;; "EnableMachineCheck"=dword:00000000
    ;; "perUser"=dword:00000000
    "ColorPrevalence"=dword:00000001                    ; Show accent color on Start, taskbar and action center [x]
    "AppsUseLightTheme"=dword:00000000                  ; Apps mode [Dark]
    "SystemUsesLightTheme"=dword:00000000               ; Windows mode [Dark]
    "EnabledBlurBehind"=dword:00000000                  ; Blur [] - Strange behavior on 11
    "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000001                 ; Transparency [x] needed for highlight active button
    "Composition"=dword:00000001                        ; Desktop composition
    "ColorizationColor"=dword:64ca8016                  ; Colorization settings = fine tuning
    ;; "ColorizationColorBalanceInactive"=-
    ;; "ColorizationAfterglowBalanceInactive"=-
    ;; "ColorizationBlurBalanceInactive"=-
    "EnableWindowColorization"=dword:00000001           ; Colorize Explorer titlebar and others IF "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000001
    ;; "BlurDeviation"=dword:0000000a
    ;; "GlassOpacity"=dword:00000059
    ;; "Glass"=dword:00000001
    ;; "Blur"=dword:00000001
    ;; "EnableMachineCheck"=dword:00000000
    ;; "perUser"=dword:00000000
    "ColorPrevalence"=dword:00000001                    ; Show accent color on Start, taskbar and action center [x]
    "AppsUseLightTheme"=dword:00000000                  ; Apps mode [Dark]
    "SystemUsesLightTheme"=dword:00000000               ; Windows mode [Dark]
    "EnabledBlurBehind"=dword:00000000                  ; Blur [] - Strange behavior on 11
    "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000001                 ; Transparency [x] needed for highlight active button
    "Composition"=dword:00000001                        ; Desktop composition
    "ColorizationColor"=dword:64ca8016                  ; Colorization settings = fine tuning
    ;; "ColorizationColorBalanceInactive"=-
    ;; "ColorizationAfterglowBalanceInactive"=-
    ;; "ColorizationBlurBalanceInactive"=-
    "EnableWindowColorization"=dword:00000001           ; Colorize Explorer titlebar and others IF "EnableTransparency"=dword:00000001
    ;; "BlurDeviation"=dword:0000000a
    ;; "GlassOpacity"=dword:00000059
    ;; "Glass"=dword:00000001
    ;; "Blur"=dword:00000001
    ;; "EnableMachineCheck"=dword:00000000
    ;; "perUser"=dword:00000000
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors]
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors]
    "Hilight"="0 120 215"
    "HotTrackingColor"="0 102 204"
    "MenuHilight"="0 120 215"
    "ActiveBorder"="180 180 180"
    "ActiveTitle"="153 180 209"
    "AppWorkspace"="171 171 171"
    "Background"="0 0 0"
    "ButtonAlternateFace"="0 0 0"
    "ButtonDkShadow"="105 105 105"
    "ButtonFace"="240 240 240"
    "ButtonHilight"="255 255 255"
    "ButtonLight"="227 227 227"
    "ButtonShadow"="160 160 160"
    "ButtonText"="0 0 0"
    "GradientActiveTitle"="185 209 234"
    "GradientInactiveTitle"="215 228 242"
    "GrayText"="109 109 109"
    "HilightText"="255 255 255"
    "InactiveBorder"="244 247 252"
    "InactiveTitle"="191 205 219"
    "InactiveTitleText"="0 0 0"
    "InfoText"="0 0 0"
    "InfoWindow"="255 255 225"
    "Menu"="240 240 240"
    "MenuBar"="240 240 240"
    "MenuText"="0 0 0"
    "Scrollbar"="200 200 200"
    "TitleText"="0 0 0"
    "Window"="255 255 255"
    "WindowFrame"="100 100 100"
    "WindowText"="0 0 0"
    [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\Colors]
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\Colors]
    "Hilight"="0 120 215"
    "HotTrackingColor"="0 102 204"
    "MenuHilight"="0 120 215"
    "ActiveBorder"="180 180 180"
    "ActiveTitle"="153 180 209"
    "AppWorkspace"="171 171 171"
    "Background"="0 0 0"
    "ButtonAlternateFace"="0 0 0"
    "ButtonDkShadow"="105 105 105"
    "ButtonFace"="240 240 240"
    "ButtonHilight"="255 255 255"
    "ButtonLight"="227 227 227"
    "ButtonShadow"="160 160 160"
    "ButtonText"="0 0 0"
    "GradientActiveTitle"="185 209 234"
    "GradientInactiveTitle"="215 228 242"
    "GrayText"="109 109 109"
    "HilightText"="255 255 255"
    "InactiveBorder"="244 247 252"
    "InactiveTitle"="191 205 219"
    "InactiveTitleText"="0 0 0"
    "InfoText"="0 0 0"
    "InfoWindow"="255 255 225"
    "Menu"="240 240 240"
    "MenuBar"="240 240 240"
    "MenuText"="0 0 0"
    "Scrollbar"="200 200 200"
    "TitleText"="0 0 0"
    "Window"="255 255 255"
    "WindowFrame"="100 100 100"
    "WindowText"="0 0 0"
    [-HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Colors]
    [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Colors]
    "Hilight"="0 120 215"
    "HotTrackingColor"="0 102 204"
    "MenuHilight"="0 120 215"
    "ActiveBorder"="180 180 180"
    "ActiveTitle"="153 180 209"
    "AppWorkspace"="171 171 171"
    "Background"="0 0 0"
    "ButtonAlternateFace"="0 0 0"
    "ButtonDkShadow"="105 105 105"
    "ButtonFace"="240 240 240"
    "ButtonHilight"="255 255 255"
    "ButtonLight"="227 227 227"
    "ButtonShadow"="160 160 160"
    "ButtonText"="0 0 0"
    "GradientActiveTitle"="185 209 234"
    "GradientInactiveTitle"="215 228 242"
    "GrayText"="109 109 109"
    "HilightText"="255 255 255"
    "InactiveBorder"="244 247 252"
    "InactiveTitle"="191 205 219"
    "InactiveTitleText"="0 0 0"
    "InfoText"="0 0 0"
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    [-HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop\Colors]
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    "NoLockScreen"=- ; keep lock screen
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    "HotTrackingColor"="0 102 204"
    "MenuHilight"="0 120 215"
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    "ActiveTitle"="153 180 209"
    "AppWorkspace"="171 171 171"
    "Background"="0 0 0"
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    "GradientInactiveTitle"="215 228 242"
    "GrayText"="109 109 109"
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    "InactiveTitle"="191 205 219"
    "InactiveTitleText"="0 0 0"
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    "InfoWindow"="255 255 225"
    "Menu"="240 240 240"
    "MenuBar"="240 240 240"
    "MenuText"="0 0 0"
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    Trying to reproduce this transparency on the entire title bar. I don't know what did it but opening another explorer window ended it.
    I took another of the titlebar area and discovered screensketch/printscreen makes it look different while capturing. I wonder how to make it permanent. Anyway tabs are gray normally, but I can't get a pic of it.
    Old color windows..
    Taskbar menu.
    Settings, active window.
  6. Giacomino1968

    Giacomino1968 MDL Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    AFAIK, Sandbox does not work on Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC and I see no reason why it should be working on Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC.
    Generally speaking, guys if you need Sandbox, Widgets and so on, I"m afraid, you are in the wrong topic... IMHO
    You need Pro, Enterprise editions...
  7. Eiji Shinjo

    Eiji Shinjo MDL Novice

    Jan 21, 2013
    Not really. Are you also going to tell people to not discuss installing the MS Store on LTSC editions? :rolleyes:

    The benefit of LTSC editions is they are debloated by MS, have no feature updates, long term support and you can add what you want.

    LTSC editions also allow telemetry to be disabled so I don't understand your tribalistic attitude. You're not a mod.
  8. Giacomino1968

    Giacomino1968 MDL Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    #588 Giacomino1968, May 31, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2024
    Not at all... Couple years ago I was reading somewhere, "to create "an Ideal OS" you need to install Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021 + MS Store" :D
    But I think there is nothing to discuss about that... Just one command.
  9. Giacomino1968

    Giacomino1968 MDL Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    #589 Giacomino1968, May 31, 2024
    Last edited: May 31, 2024
    Why? I can"t understand why should I install LTSC edition and try to add something in if Pro or Enterprise have that by default...
    Life is a coplicated thing I don"t want to make it much more complicated...
  10. Giacomino1968

    Giacomino1968 MDL Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2023
  11. Giacomino1968

    Giacomino1968 MDL Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    Correct, there is that link to original post by abbodi1406 on GitHub link.
  12. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    So, why not link to the original post, locally on MDL, like we always do?
  13. Giacomino1968

    Giacomino1968 MDL Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    #594 Giacomino1968, May 31, 2024
    Last edited: May 31, 2024
    I saw it later... and added to my initial post "old script by abbodi1406"
    I had that script on my laptop for a long time but I could not remember where it was taken from...
    I have searched and found GitHub link...
    I"m here just for 3 months and initially found it obviously not here...
  14. Eiji Shinjo

    Eiji Shinjo MDL Novice

    Jan 21, 2013
    It's really simple because some people want some features of the Pro or Enterprise versions but not all of the features and bloat of those editions :rolleyes:
  15. Forsaked

    Forsaked MDL Novice

    Jun 21, 2019
    For the store install just run "wsreset.exe -i" in PowerShell run with admin privilege, no need for any scripts.
  16. Giacomino1968

    Giacomino1968 MDL Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    #597 Giacomino1968, May 31, 2024
    Last edited: May 31, 2024
    You mean add some features from Pro/Enterprise to LTSC? I"ve never tried to do that... And to be honest I do not think It's really easy for default users... I"m sure "default user" wouldn't install LTSC and then try to add there something... even MS Store.
  17. pm67310

    pm67310 MDL Guru

    Sep 6, 2011
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  18. pm67310

    pm67310 MDL Guru

    Sep 6, 2011
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...