[DISCUSSION] Windows 11 Enterprise/IoT Enterprise (N) LTSC 2024 (24H2 / 26100.x)

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by Enthousiast, Apr 26, 2024.

  1. °ツ

    °ツ MDL Addicted

    Jun 8, 2014
    I was wrong. Now I tested some more and it does appear when I plug in the gamepad but not all the time.
    So the reg tweak does indeed not work.
  2. rayman95

    rayman95 MDL Member

    Oct 3, 2018
    thats only 2 300 Ko each copilot files...nothing more, for the moment...you can remove it...but hope that M$ doesn't implement something else
  3. nipponico

    nipponico MDL Novice

    Nov 18, 2015
    If I have Windows 11 Home, can I install Iot Enterprise LTSC 2024?
    Is the Activation automatic with digital license or I have to use MAS or it's impossible?
    And which is the advantage? Less resource used?
  4. BobKazordoon

    BobKazordoon MDL Novice

    Jun 3, 2024
    #685 BobKazordoon, Jun 4, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2024
    File Explorer in Windows 11 is F#CKED!!

    So I spent the entire day using Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC 24H2 and I must say I am very disappointed at Microsoft. There's so many bugs in this. The main problem is the File Explorer. If you're in dark mode and open a new tab, it will flash white for a split second every time you open a tab. It's like a deer looking at headlights.

    Second of all, every single time I open the File Explorer, regardless of if I have animations enabled or not, it will load the top bar/ribbon slow. Slow enough to notice it. And it's slow while switching between folders and searching for things.

    This has been an issue people around the world have reported for over a year now. The "fix" to make it faster is to press F11 two times (enter fullscreen mode, exit fullscreen mode). But then the entire ribbon/top bar freezes. The File Explorer is quicker, but the bar will not function properly.

    I just can not believe this is what Microsoft shipped. I'm contemplating going back to Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC, or just skip dual booting all together and go full on Debian (Linux) which I currently dual boot.

    And because Windows IoT LTSC won't receive any updates for these fixes (if they even make a fix for it), I'd be stuck with a slow and buggy File Explorer forever.
    It's not a hardware issue. It's a Microsoft issue. We're talking millions upon millions of people reporting this. Way back when they first launched the new File Explorer, more than a year ago. Still no fix or even a word from Microsoft regarding it.

    And I will certainly not try to use some registry hacks or third party software to bring back the old File Explorer. I already did like 5 registry hacks to fix other issues like context menu and things like that. I shouldn't have to fix any of this, this is Windows for god's sake! f**k this!

    I'll be wiping my systems clean now (diskpart's "clean all" command). I spend a lot of time in File Explorer and I just can't be bothered having this. Good luck to the rest of you who choose to use this buggy operating system. I'll probably be using Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC until it dies in 2032. But man is it tempting to go fully on Linux now.

    I can't believe it. A trillion dollar company does it worse than Debian.
  5. Giacomino1968

    Giacomino1968 MDL Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2023
  6. °ツ

    °ツ MDL Addicted

    Jun 8, 2014
    First world problems :smilie1: Meanwhile people in Africa are dying because of hunger. :(
    But I think LTSC 2024 is fine. I don't feel that Explorer is slower compared to previous Windows 11 versions.

    /Off topic

    Yes, why not. Gaming is on par with Windows and in some cases the performance is even better. Unless you need to use some Windows only apps you can ditch Windows. But I wouldn't touch Debian, I had more issues with Debian then some other distros even tho Debian is supposed to be more stable then those. Arch, Fedora, Opensuse, NixOS are the best in my opinion, up to date software and I consider them all to be stable.
  7. BobKazordoon

    BobKazordoon MDL Novice

    Jun 3, 2024
    #689 BobKazordoon, Jun 4, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2024
    Call it first world problems, I don't care. But I want a fully working, non-clunky, non-buggy operating system that just works. I expected more from Microsoft.

    The bugs I mentioned are the tip of the ice berg. I had to make many registry edits just to get things to work the way they should. For example, the default context menu is crap - I had to change it.
    The "Onedrive" icon doesn't disappear from the explorer after uninstalling Onedrive (I installed the Office suite which included Onedrive), that required another registry hack.
    Microsoft appears to be working on integrating AI (Copilot), even in the IoT Enterprise LTSC version. It seems to already be included in the US version. Even though it migh be a PWA, who knows what they're doing in a year from now?

    Comparing a stock, out of the box, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC vs Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC, on the exact same computer: Windows 11 uses 7-12% more CPU and 2.4 GB more RAM - just by idling on the desktop. That's nuts.
    The UI is overall much slower and clunkier on Windows 11. I do however like their Dark Mode looks. The design looks very nice. But it's just so much worse performance and contains bugs.
    Since Windows 11 was released, they have made many updates to the UI, only to fix bugs reported by users. And the list just keeps on growing if you have a look at the Windows Feedback Hub.

    They are an incompetent company these days, which is sad to see. Not even free operating systems have these UI bugs. And even if they get some bug like the ones on Windows 11, they are quickly fixed in a few weeks.
    Microsoft has not even said a single word regarding the File Explorer bugs (plural! because there are multiple bugs).

    And the more registry hacks you make on Windows, the less stable it gets. It could revert in an update, or even worse, make it unusable after an update.

    I had much more peace of mind using the Windows 10 edition. I'll be keeping it on one computer and start moving over to Linux on the other ones I have. I used to be fully on Linux a while ago, but had to switch back to Windows due to work. Fortunately, the office suite is now available on the web so I won't need the standalone apps anymore.

    Debian is a fantastic option, due to it using stable releases only. Arch, which you mentioned, is the definition of unstable due to it running on bleeding edge technology. But I'll save that discussion for another time.

    BrenTech on YouTube does a good job covering a lot of the reported bugs on Windows 11. The list of bugs just keeps growing for each month.

    In my opinion, they rushed Windows 11. It's not ready for production. Maybe things change in a year. But for now, it's not for me.
  8. Snoop05

    Snoop05 MDL Member

    Mar 2, 2015
    I think this bug is as old as dark mode itself.
  9. Hasefroch

    Hasefroch MDL Senior Member

    Dec 24, 2018
    Yes is extremely slow, and with the updates is even worse. And it's not a Celeron. I read people with officially supported high-end computers that complain Windows 11 Explorer slowness
  10. BobKazordoon

    BobKazordoon MDL Novice

    Jun 3, 2024
    I also realized I can't even drag files to its parent directories in the new File Explorer. Previously I could click and drag on a file, and move it to the location bar in the folder, and move it to a parent. This does no longer work.

    I'm currently in the middle of wiping the entire drive. Goodbye Windows 11! You will not be missed!

    What a shame! The UI looks fantastic in my opinion. But it's like a Fiat disguised as a Ferrari. It just won't run well. Then add all the AI/Copilot things they are rolling out to even IoT LTSC, it's ridiculous.
  11. p00kster

    p00kster MDL Novice

    Feb 9, 2008
    I used Windows 11 LTSC for about a week and went right back to Windows 10 2021 LTSC. I can confirm File Explorer is slower and the memory usage of Windows 11 is a lot higher. I wish I could use Windows 10 2019 LTSC, but there are some apps/games I use that no longer support 2019 LTSC. So I am currently using Windows 10 2021 LTSC. My plan is to stay on Windows 10 2021 LTSC for as long as possible (hopefully till 2032, but that is doubtful since the programs I use will probably not be compatible by then). Once Windows 10 2021 LTSC can no longer be used, then it's time to investigate other OS alternatives (unless Microsoft pulls a miracle and fixes Windows 11).
  12. pm67310

    pm67310 MDL Guru

    Sep 6, 2011

    ... just wait before use 24h2 / or ltsc 2024 stay on windows 11 23h2 atm or ltsc 2021
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  13. p00kster

    p00kster MDL Novice

    Feb 9, 2008
    I'll revisit it again in October or when it's officially released to see if there are any improvements.
  14. #696 Deleted member 1455143, Jun 4, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2024
    I totally agree and said before but fanboys dont care and they cover it up like m$ employees.
    It is worth repeating once again in the meantime;
    Imagine an operating system where the name is Windows, but the windows don't work properly..:roflmao:
  15. monstrocity

    monstrocity MDL Junior Member

    Jun 4, 2016
    #697 monstrocity, Jun 5, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2024
    White flashing can be reduced by enabling animation effects (Settings --> Accessibility --> Animation Effects). The new tab flash still remains but not as obvious as before.

    I can't test startallback as I'm currently running open-shell. But, that might be the best work around. Windows 10/11 don't have a true dark mode; it's a UI overlay which causes the slight delay.

    I prefer the Cinnamon Desktop Environment which is installed on my daily driver. ;)
  16. Paul Mercer

    Paul Mercer MDL Expert

    Apr 6, 2018
    #698 Paul Mercer, Jun 5, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2024
    Don't think so, everything is noticeable with a lot of animations stuttering on high refresh rate displays

    White splash is not a first world problem, it hurts your eyes for no reason
    File explorer is extremely slow since 23H2
    Animations are so slow since 24H2

    It's just getting worse every year and it's beyond stupid
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  17. monstrocity

    monstrocity MDL Junior Member

    Jun 4, 2016
    #699 monstrocity, Jun 5, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2024
    I have a lower refresh rate (75 Hz) HD monitor on the PC with 24H2 installed. After installing SAB to test, the flickers were gone. Of course, everyone's rig has different HW and different experiences. (I was just trying to offer even a half-measure "solution".)

    I agree W11 blows - any version of it. And, it's ridiculous, that to have many of the bugs fixed, ppl are compelled to buy 3rd party software, such as SAB, to address even some of the most glaring file explorer / ui issues. M$ should have fixed dark mode ages ago and still hasn't.

    Meanwhile, back to my Cinnamon DE where Dark Mode works flawlessly.
  18. BobKazordoon

    BobKazordoon MDL Novice

    Jun 3, 2024
    I think it is unacceptable that they chose to rush this. And let's not go into the whole hardware requirements for regular Windows 11 (which can be bypassed, but at your own risk). They did a terrible job with Windows 11. The only thing I think improved, is the UI design. I like the looks of it. Everything else was a downgrade. Performance sucks, there's an influx of bugs which require registry edits or even third party tools. And I'm not even talking about telemetry, but just ordinary things.

    I decided to say f**k it and just ditch Windows all together now. Made a fresh install of Debian and it feels good to leave Windows. It's a dead operating system. I was tempted to use Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC again, but I decided it's not worth it in the long run. Eventually, there will be compatibility issues with software. In theory, I could use it until 2032, but let's be honest, that would be almost as foolish as to use Windows 7 today. Not talking about security issues, but compatibility issues.

    It's best to use an operating system that:
    1) Just works
    2) Is future proof
    3) Doesn't include bloat

    One could use Windows 10 again for a few years, maybe 2-5 years. But eventually you will have to make the switch to something else.

    I made "the switch" to Linux about 3 years ago, first to Linux Mint and then to Debian. With the release of Debian 12, I absolutely loved it. Fantastic option that I think more people should consider, if you're coming from Windows.

    I like to have no bloat, stuff that just works, and somewhat good privacy. I can't have that in the newer versions of Windows. They are going full on AI. Just this week they announced they are investing 3.2 billion USD here in Sweden, to "train the Swedish population on how to use AI". What they really mean is that they want to train their AI on the Swedish population, not the other way around. We are living in a society where privacy is at risk and I just can not stand Microsoft anylonger. I just can't. Not only are their products trash in terms of functionality, but the way they plan to implement AI into everything is just horrible for privacy.