I want to use stable 22H2 update but I'm on the preview channel and my version is 22621.521. What should I do? There is not any update from WU so do I have to format my system to use it?
yes, i fixed running in settings - system - troubleshooting - other troubleshooting - windows update . It take a while but its fixed
All ya can do is fresh install thats it ya cant downgrade it wont be in windows update cause its a difo release i.e a step up
Then you are 100% uptodate, considering 22621.521 = current build.. Leave the RP channel and enjoy the public updates from now on.
On my unsupported PC running 22621.521 I have instability with on desktop direct access icons. The squares with arrow inside change to circles with arrow, then square brown boxes, or disappear, refreshing fixes this but is only temporary, rebuilding the icon cache is not a definite fix either. Anybody else too?
So, with public version of 22621.521, does this have new features like tabbed file explorer? Or is the enablement package needed to turn it into a public (?) 22622.521 version? Does 22622.521 still remain on the public updates channel then too? Looking at the above post "Delivering continuous innovation in Windows 11" it sounds to me like the enablement package might be released publicly in November as an optional, feature opt-in update. But presumably we could just add it now with no recourse?
I can't care less about tabs myself (heavy total commander user) but here is some info:
On techbench only Client Consumer ISOs, on MVS soon there will be the Business ISOs available. The ESDs are already available here:
Erm, what this when I try to build an image from UUPDump? Code: .\files\depends_win.ps1 : File C:\Users\To\Desktop\22621.598_amd64_en-gb_multi_e0f3404c_convert_virtual\files\depends_win.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at https:/ At line:1 char:1 + .\files\depends_win.ps1 + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : SecurityError: (:) [], PSSecurityException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess Press any key to continue . . .