Did you mean they are GENERIC product keys that can be used only on products that have already been activated with valid license keys?
All techbench sites generate links by the same many years old hack to download ISOs from official MSFT servers.
Each month, I will download the official ISOs using the link provided by @GezoeSloog, for example, I downloaded en-us_windows_11_consumer_editions_version_21h2_updated_aug_2022_x64_dvd_17720d54.iso from his web server last month. Are you saying that I am able to download the identical ISO from TechBench site?
No, techbench ISOs are not provided that frequently by MSFT, MVS ISOs are provided more frequently and contain the Business ISOs.
I am looking to download en-gb Enterprise from UUP dump to work on with MSMG ToolKit when it is updated to support 22621. Which version should I download? 22621.382?
I have left the Beta channel on my second system, running 22622.598, will report what happens at the next higher build update release.
Current xx-XX download options for 22621.382 ISO/ESDs: Techbench ISO: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...hannel-ni_release.85327/page-121#post-1755746 Techbench by SVF(SFX): https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-11-svf-repository.83748/page-8#post-1755782 ESD: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-11-esd-repository.83747/page-7#post-1755792 MCT: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...hannel-ni_release.85327/page-123#post-1755814 MVS ISO: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...hannel-ni_release.85327/page-125#post-1755874 (finished uploading...) MVS by SVF(SFX): https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-11-svf-repository.83748/page-8#post-1755916 (finished uploading,,,)
I managed to install that update manually, WU then tries to install it again and then realises it is already on the system and clears it from the list. Will try it on a supported machine to see if the issue persists.
If this helps, my system behaved the same way and I am within the hardware requirements across the board.
Can you please stop with that "will expire", beta is not dev channel, only dev channel will expire. There is no expiration date on 22622.
I upgraded from 22H1 which was the factory image on my Alienware laptop to 22H1 using the ISO. When I tried installing the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 from Control Panel > Programs & Features, I get this error 0x800F0950 any idea how to fix this ? EDIT: Fixed by installing it using the following command using the Windows 11 USB: Code: Dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:W:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess