Changed to the correct pictures
Funny glitch upgrading to 22631.2428 retail version using an iso, and KMS activation. After a day I lost Windows activation on all 4 machines. Couldn't even get it to reactivate manually. Easily fixed thou, just uninstalled KMS automatic activation and reinstalled it again and all good again. Just saying for thou who get this problem.
Sometimes, after clicking a taskbar icon, it opens the icon next to it. I have to restart explorer.exe to stop this behavior. Also, when opening a window, it constantly and randomly returns to a previous one. I have these issues for months (at least) even after making several Windows 11 clean installs.
have you tried changing the resolution and scale ...then returning to what ever you prefer? sounds like a scaling issue Also if anyone is having time issues with error like unsupported under system event viewer, this seems to rectify the problem net stop w32time w32tm /unregister w32tm /register net start w32time build 22635.2483
it's more risky (not always up to date) than using the uupdump app locally uupdump app use +/-8gb of HDD space atm if you don't have hdd space for it then use chinese clone
its a very odd issue, annoying are you using any 3rd party app that interacts with the desktop? if its not a scaling issue it must be software causing it
Unless I am missing something, althou they may not have the latest and greatest version, are they not still a perfectly fine source if what you want is simply a stock/common/standard version. it all get updated by M$ anyway on first update? At some point we all will give up and don't give a f**k about any of the originally on MDL started projects and their copies i guess.
Thanks for that link, reading thru the last 20 pages it seems to boil down to "trust" in the UUP websites - ie will they just download M$ official downloads or add something hidden. I see a little paranoid of Chinese mirror sites (some justification), and yes I guess one cant be too safe. Applying RISK MANAGEMENT, definite chinese mirrors would be a no go, however sites like UUP.EE based in estonia and servers in USA "seem" to just source M$ and nothing more. No more from me, its overlaps with UUP thread. Put it another way, cant find anyone who has sourced this site state or show its NOT LOADING an official M$ Product
What do you mean by not always being up to date? It doesn't have the latest builds as soon as they're released on the Windows Insider channels? I don't know but I've had this issue before even installing any program. Maybe it's caused by a custom image made by NTLite?