[DISCUSSION] Windows 11 Final Build 226x1/2/3/4/5 (PC) 22/3H2 [RETAiL/BETA/RP Channel - ni_release]

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by Enthousiast, May 11, 2022.

  1. Paul Mercer

    Paul Mercer MDL Expert

    Apr 6, 2018
    CU - regular update for existing systems, do not have setup DU update + do not have any apps at all for builds 22563+
    non CU entries - in-place upgrade updates with full updates set + apps

    just ignore CUs and never use it
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  2. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #7862 Windows 10 User, Nov 5, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2023
    What updates are installed by the Windows 11 installer? Are they even installed with the LCU integrated, and if so, is it because they are other type of updates (like DUs)?

    If the CU entries aren't the MSU/CAB file itself, then it should have another name to not confuse users. Why are they even offered, anyway?

    But sometimes only the CU entries are available.
  3. Paul Mercer

    Paul Mercer MDL Expert

    Apr 6, 2018
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  4. Paul Mercer

    Paul Mercer MDL Expert

    Apr 6, 2018
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  5. Paul Mercer

    Paul Mercer MDL Expert

    Apr 6, 2018
    the first one is from download.php page "Browse the list of updates", I just edited UUP ID in the URL
    the second one is from selectlang.php page "To search for Cumulative Updates use the !updates search query."
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  6. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #7868 Windows 10 User, Nov 5, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2023
    That's not practical and I don't understand why after clicking "All files" on a Windows build a lot of files appear. Are they all used to create ISOs? Why does the same KB file appear in both MSU and CAB formats, what are PSF files and what are "baseless" CAB and PSF files (not to mention all the remaining CAB, APPX, MSIX and ESD files)? This is so confusing.

    How can non-CU entries have a full update set if they can be downloaded without having the LCU integrated (at least) by not choosing the "Include updates (Windows converter only)" setting? What updates is this setting referring to, LCU, SSU, CU for .NET Framework, DU, Microsoft Defender Antivirus updates, others? How can one have an image that only includes the LCU and not the SSU, the CU for .NET Framework, DUs, Microsoft Defender Antivirus updates, etc.? Should ISOs created from non-CU entries be used for custom installs as well as for upgrade ones?

    But I don't get why it does that and it even does it when doing custom installs.
  7. SM03

    SM03 MDL Expert

    Dec 16, 2012
    23H2 FOD ISO available yet or not?
  8. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
  9. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #7871 Windows 10 User, Nov 5, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2023
    Especially when other users also have the same issues I do, not no mention a PC which came with a hardware problem.
  10. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    It's the complete UUP set. For creating ISOs, the full set is required.

    Majority of the resources are now stored in PSF files as CAB files have only support for a limited set of items (max. 65535 IIRC). MS exceeded that limit. Baseless files can usually be ignored.

    Because every UUP set consists of base build + update files. Our converter integrates the updates into the base build in the conversion process if AddUpdates is 1, it doesn't if AddUpdates is 0. AddUpdates = 2 won't integrate, but install updates during Setup.
    The only difference between non-CU and CU sets is that CU entries do not contain all updates and apps that are necessary to create a fully working ISO. CU UUP entries are used by Windows Update when you install updates the normal way.

    SSU+LCU, and .NET CU in recent builds. Plus DU, DU for Setup. Basically everything required, but no Defender updates, to my knowledge.

    SSU is integrated in LCU now, no way around it, and it often is a prerequisite for the LCU itself. .NET KB can be simply deleted.

    Non-CU entries should be used for every ISO-based installation. Otherwise, installs will be crippled.
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  11. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #7873 Windows 10 User, Nov 6, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2023
    What are "baseless" files?

    NTLite detects Microsoft Defender Antivirus updates when loading the ISO created by the tool.

    The ISO created by the tool supposedly comes with DUs according to UUP Dump but they're not detected by NTLite.

    When using NTLite to download updates, it detects a more recent .NET CU and doesn't say a .NET CU is already installed, when loading a previous build it detected a more recent CU and said a CU was already installed.

    It seems NTLite can remove Windows 11 existing packages (including updates) but is there a way of creating ISOs without some updates integrated to not waste time removing them with NTLite afterwards? May I have issues for not removing Microsoft Defender Antivirus updates since I remove Microsoft Defender Antivirus with NTLite?

    I always leave "AddUpdates" set to "1" and not to "2" so why does the Windows 11 setup say it's instaling updates if according to you it should only try to install updates if "AddUpdates" is set to "2"? If "AddUpdates" is set to "2", will it try to install the LCU only or also the .NET CU, DUs, Microsoft Defender Antivirus updates and others? So, if "AddUpdates" is set to "0", it won't integrate the LCU, the .NET CU, DUs, Microsoft Defender Antivirus updates and others?

    Why does the Windows 11 setup sometimes say it's installing updates when the latest non-CU set already came with a full update set like you said? Does that mean the latest non-CU set didn't come with the latest DUs integrated?

    Why doesn't the Windows 11 setup sometimes download updates when DUs weren't integrated?

    What types of DUs are there? SafeOS, Setup, others?

    Like you say, .NET CU being integrated must have started in recent builds because in previous ones they weren't integrated.

    If only a CU set is available for the build I want should I wait for the non-CU set to be available? Is it possible for the latter to never be released for certain builds and are they usually released at the same time as the CU sets?
  12. SM03

    SM03 MDL Expert

    Dec 16, 2012
  13. balubeto

    balubeto MDL Addicted

    Dec 22, 2009
    #7875 balubeto, Nov 6, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2023

    I would like to know the VLCS file names of the Italian and English editions of Windows 11 2023 Update build 22631.2506 and where I can download them.


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  14. Jessie Pinkman

    Jessie Pinkman MDL Addicted

    Aug 25, 2016
    Why say bye for are ya leaving the site or what they can be downloaded from massgrave or uup dump
  15. balubeto

    balubeto MDL Addicted

    Dec 22, 2009
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  16. chienjy

    chienjy MDL Junior Member

    Aug 10, 2012
    In fact, the built-in operating system windows 11 version of the brand desktop computers currently on the market is 22H2 22621.2428
  17. neofita

    neofita MDL Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2013
  18. ЯƎHTͶAꟼ

    ЯƎHTͶAꟼ MDL Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2017
    #7880 ЯƎHTͶAꟼ, Nov 6, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2023
    I just read the Media Creation Tool still downloads the old 22H2 ISO, they want to wait till monthly update because of any.. idk.. could not get the point, but that its the thing right now.

    Anyway, here on my 12 year old system, 23H2 (customized, telemetry removed) working good without any issues, I'm close to kinda be proud on Microsoft not gave me headache over weekend. :D

    Computer not exploded! :good3: