Why should I? That would reset my 'epeni' stats on router, aka, uptime etc, thus limiting what I can brag about elsewhere. Good on Rufus for doing this, brilliant move. Time to get rid of this 'controlling' s**t forever though. Seriously!
guys/girls ,i have only 500 mbps (1 gbps ethernet speed) i search on google but i not found solution,i have this problem in windows 10 too,but i found solution i stop in task manager - service or in services.msc but i not found .txt how i doo,you can help me ??? now i have windows 11 x64 build 22621.160
Ive just realized my mobos nvme config utility in bios is missing, i know its not related to windows but like wtf. Ive always used rst, decided to to do a clean install with nvme/ahci setup, I cant do it because its non existent.
CPU usage in 3rd party programs is broken in 22621.105. Tried Rivatuner & HWiNFO both are showing wrong values, there is no way that every game uses 2-5%.
Here is more info: Afterburner Beta temporarily use different sensor. Im still not sure is it a bug or intentional...
Usually not on monday, but when MSFT releases an update today it doesn't have to be at 10AM redmond time (7pm in western europe).