Ackchyually, without INTERNET cannot reach account creation step on both Home and Pro (but can on Education and Enterprise - the lumping of Pro with Home together already happened). If you can't even reach the choice to workaround it by set up Pro for Business use - domain joined / for Personal use - [email protected] : test - then it's technically required, not just a rumor? Requiring INTERNET to setup windows can only point to one thing: the hardware id gathering and reporting now happens regardless of microsoft or local account login. And the prospects are further lock-down. That's the outrage. You're monumentally missing the point. Anyway, the workaround to setup Home or Pro without internet is solid for now - lets see how MS reacts..
The article you link at does nowhere tell it's not needed to be connected, they only talk about it IS needed to be connected, and the solution "they" claim to came up with is about 22000.xxxx and not 22543 or now 22557 where MSFT changed the policies to be required to be connected during oobe. Maybe i missed it but if there is any line in that article that says being online during OOBE on 22543+ is not required can you copy/paste it here?
I totally agree, having used Hotmail before outlook was a thing. Last purchased Windows during the failed Windows 8 debacle. Used 10 until the "leaked" Windows 11 came to light. Never had any trouble with having my Microsoft account, actually make live easier for an old man.
It is not only to identify without showing on the screen whether this active or not type so Code: for /f %%x in ('findstr /i . ToRemove.txt 2^>nul') do ( %DismRoot% /Image:"%~1" /Get-Packages /PackageName:"%%x" | findstr /c:"State : Installed" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( set "namePck=!namePck!,%%x" ) else ( set "namePckg=!namePckg!,%%x" ) )
Got it in one. Its not so much having a M$ account, I can live with that, its having to be connected to the web from the install thats the problem. I like to install programs off-line, all I see is a whole can of worms opened up if this is cant be bypassed, and its not good for consumers. I imagine the additional data they can collect that you wont be able to stop..
and how can I do there know why, in the list tormove, it seeks all packages, so that some are permanent, and I want to choose in this variable only those that are install pending the list not to give error, when it comes to removing, how can I do dai master? this so and i want to get from the list so those that the state is install pending Code: :RemoVpack for %%j in (Packs.txt,ToRemove.txt) do call :RemoveFile "%%j" for %%j in (list,count,num,namePck) do set "%%j=" if "%~2" equ "w7" (set "list=Microsoft-Windows-LocalPack-") if "%~2" equ "w81" (set "list=Microsoft-Windows-CameraCodec-,Package_for_") if "%~2" equ "w10" (set "Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-") call :AtivaVarColor call :Cfgbg %_cVac% "Verificando pacotes instalados para remocao" call :RemovTempColor echo. %DismRoot% /English /image:"%~1" /Get-Packages>Packs.txt for /d %%G in (%list%) do for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%i in ('findstr %%G Packs.txt') do echo %%i>>ToRemove.txt for /f %%i in (ToRemove.txt) do (call set /a num+=1) for /f %%i in (ToRemove.txt) do call :setcount %%i for /L %%j in (1, 1, %num%) do ( set namePck=!namePck! /PackageName:!PK%%j! ) for %%j in (Packs.txt,ToRemove.txt) do call :RemoveFile "%%j" !_Dism! /Image:%~1 /Remove-Package !namePck! for %%j in (list,count,num,namePck) do set "%%j=" goto :eof
Oh boy, I was wrong. reddit butter-fingers hive is more regedit-fobic than I thought. you can trick them (for their own good in this instance) by suggesting reg delete, tho
Time to refine/update my procedure for offline OOBE. 1. Run Setup and OOBE until you hit the roadblock (Network). 2. Press SHIFT+F10 to open a command prompt. 3. Enter the following (substitute Carlos-MDL with the desired local account): Code: net.exe user "Carlos-MDL" /add 4. Enter: Code: net.exe localgroup "Administrators" "Carlos-MDL" /add 5. Enter: Code: "C:\Windows\System32\OOBE\msoobe.exe" && "shutdown.exe" -r -t 5 6. Wait until the System has restarted and confirm the error message ("The username or password is incorrect."). 7. Click Carlos-MDL to login (if it doesn't log in automatically) and complete OOBE. 8. The defaultuser0 account will be gone after the *next* restart. Tested with Home and Pro. End of transmission.
Thanks BAU. The V2 where I had entered my name manually in the script worked very well. But defaultuser0 folder remained under C:\Users I was unable to find that user under settings as I wanted Windows to give me option to delete all related folders from the UI. So I am unsure if I have to delete it myself or something else needs to be added to script to delete that residual folder manually. Now for V3, does it actually ask to enter new Username instead of hardcoding it in script?
You mean the alternative user.bat script that you can write on the media and then call via shift+f10 with d:\user e:\user etc.? Yes, it asks for username via set /p V2 just like V1 guided to delete defaultuser0 account once setup is done, from Settings - Accounts - Other Users. That's the safest route. V3 guided to delete the user via cmd - indeed C:\Users\defaultuser0 would remain, you can delete it manually. V4, that is the built-in bypass made by microsoft, C:\Users\defaultuser0 will also remain. It's an optimization feature, you would not want that many files being recreated every time setup logins with a temporary account. But once setup is done, it's ok to delete. Could add a delete folder line in the script What we're probably gonna end up using if microsoft does not back down, is a combination of all techniques and tips we have come up with so far. Code: start ms-settings:otherusers oobe\msoobe & shutdown /r /t 0 This looks pretty neat. A restart is involved (just like in the official bypass) Code: start ms-settings:otherusers reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\OOBE /va /f net user DEFAULTUSER0 /delete shutdown /L More typing, but since it's just a logoff, it's a minute or so faster to finish. There should be no discernible differences to the end result. But now that the cat is out of the bag, just oobe\bypassnro - it will give back the I don't have internet option and you can complete the "proper" OOBE.