It's not high. It's normal. Today the DPI of screens have increased more than 2x than they used to be. Fonts are simply too tiny without scaling.
For some reason, in Windows Server 2022 startup sound won't playing even when I check Play Windows Startup sound
Some of us use 4k displays which require 259-300% scaling… so let’s move on from why terminal2000 needs the scaling he does.
Have been playing with it and so far i like what i see ............ the only ' problem ' i have is ........ i want to be able to turn my computer on to the / an administrator account without having to write a password ........ and i cant find a way to do it . I've just been looking at 3. Create new user account User Accounts (control userpasswords2) -> click on Add To be able to do what i want do do i have to create a new administrator account without a password ? ......... Or how can i do it ? .......... or is it impossible ?
OK Just found it ...... ' problem ' solved .......... was worryed that if i try to change the password and just delete it i might get locked out when i log on again ............ but that didnt happen :
I'm using 4K displays with 100% scaling. Scaling up is not always required, it depends on circumstances.
OK ........ in the last 23 minutes i just put it on to a USB stick to install it , deleted my C partition and installed it in to a SSD ........... and i cant see any dissadvantages over ' normal ' / not server versions SO ....... question ........... are there any dissadvantages to useing this server version compared to a ' normal ' version ? If so what ?
Using Windows Server as a desktop OS automatically grants you a bigger e-penis. You are amongst legends and in the top tier! Oh, and it's heavily debloated and doesn't contain so much junk compared to regular Windows 10, except for LTSC which should be on the easy side of bloat on par with Server.
It's not only the resolution (actually mostly UHD and not 4K) but also the physical size of the display. On a 24" display with UHD resolution the fonts will be tiny. But my display is 31.5", so, 100% works fine.
RokkumanX ......... Thank you .......... atm i'm gob smacked !!!! .......... this server version looks good to me so far ...... less problems and less hassle ...... and a lot of the bloat is easy to remove ............. = i dont understand why people are useing ' normal ' versions and not this one
I've now got it in , put all my programs in , set them up ,set the system up ........... the only thing that hasnt worked so far is TCP optimiser ......... but i'm not sure if i even need it The only thing left to do now is to try surfing with it wich i will do later . So far its fun all the way
Hey everyone, I just installed 2021 LTSC to see how it compares to Server 2022. Even though 2021 LTSC is very good and stable there's still a clear difference when working with the two. Interestingly Server 2022 is more responsive and snappier, not by much but you can tell the difference.
Today i tried to cut it with NTLite and it wont work ( for me ? ) .......... unsuported version ........... and i want to cut some crap out ?
Thank you, I was pondering the need for this thread but just not knowledgeable enough to feel I can post anything useful to begin with, but I will check this out on my virtual machine and add things as I discover them. Seriously considering replacing my W10 laptop setup with server 2022.