Good to know. I could not install Yandex (Chromium based), it took like 2-3 tries (sometimes it never worked), multiple computers, multiple reinstalls.
The size does not matter in this case, it is the same like with superfetch files, it is about, where they are being written on the disk and how many times. I would say, that is more about being hypothetical that about a real usage, most users would replaced their disk within 5 years anyway. The point is, that it is just another pointless feature, which can be disabled, or not.
It's such interesting information for me, so I want to make sure if it is worth it to disable that feature or leave it as it is.
Updated the Op with the updated Front End GUI for the official MCT: Thanks to @mxman2k Plus updated the OP with @GezoeSloog SVF Repo, and my own SVF/SFX Repo
that does not matter the machines were the install hangs is do to HW limitations...u can install it in some older machines but not in others. try the 15063 if that install with out issues u have your answer.
AFAIK, times of last access are collected in memory and only written to disk once per hour. Only a few bytes per file, to write the property record.
Seams M$ is fixing those links. Do you still have the link or the link ID? I want to take a look at that link before I get a TPM if possible?
when configured right in Network & Sharing, no problem here with seeing shared computers smb 1.0 must be ticked to see yours
Sorry, once I got it fixed I stopped keeping track of this issue. The only additional information I have about this is that it seems to be mostly high end exotic laptops that are affected, mine being a Eurocom Sky X9E.
yes many times and my shares are turn only happening in one machine and can see my network shares in my other 3 machines...i think i discover a bug in this version.
ummm... thank you for all the links but the link for WDK in the first post seems to be wrong? it links to the SDK which doesn't including some utility i was looking for in the WDK. had to download the entire EWDK.