I'm not sure I completely buy into this advertising excuse for the reasons behind the acquisition of users data. I read about it over and over again, big data mining all in the name of profiling users for "targeted" advertising. I understand the concept, I just don't entirely believe it. I mean sure, for now it may appear like a golden egg producing a wealth of profits for some, but I fear something much more sinister behind it. Today it may be advertising, but tomorrow ....
It is an interesting article, but I doubt it will have any effect at all. Basically, the ISPs and providers will force the user at large to agree to an EULA in order to use their product. In that case, all bets are off, and the user has no protection, simply because the user must to agree to "optional" data collection to use the product / service. Long live the lawyers...NOT!!!!!
By reading that I have to say that the privacy politics of the US and the EU seems to be very different. I guess in the US people/institutions do more for companies to make profit, generally. In the EU people are more careful and evaluate pros and cons and to make profit is still not the major reason to grant more rights to ISPs/ companies. Which (meta) data can be stored and how long is strictly regulated by government of each country of the EU. The meta data collected by the ISP must not be used/sold for commercial purpose. The assignment to personal data such as home address and info such as to which site one has surfed to by whom and when can only be gotten by a judicial indication. The reason why actually anything is always about US giants is a general difference of ideology/politics of the US and the EU. The US seems to be more optimistic and pro capital. They like to be ‘great’ and great means capital literarily. Economy/power counts more than privacy. Individual and social aspects such as privacy and to admit that others are great as well fade into the background. The EU is more careful which appears to be less confident than the US, but actually privacy is still respected much more in the EU.
In Sky you're privately Ahahaha .... Command and Control in the Sky ... https://securelist.com/blog/research/72081/satellite-turla-apt-command-and-control-in-the-sky