privacy and Windows 10 my opinion is this. we all agreed to have our privacy invaded when we installed Windows 10. not the best thing to do, but a necessary evil. let me state also that our privacy has been invaded by every MS OS. in some way or other data is stored and can be easily retrieved by those that want it, MS, NSA, CIA, etc. etc. ) someone in another thread asked about webcachev01.dat. google it and read some of the findings on it. it is a newer version of the old XP Jet database that we used to delete for security reasons, but in newer versions i don't believe it can be ( more research ). this file is capable of holding 2tb of data ( i believe ) and can hold information about surfing habits and other things. it is used by many programs to store data not only IE. next comes the index.dat files for IE, everyone knows enough to delete those, but the newest browsers all use Dom storage for this purpose. how many have disabled it. anyways you get my point i hope. as i said we all agreed, for better or worse to allow MS to snoop. my only question is one Win 10 final comes out, what happens to all that data they collected? food for thought. hmmm, as i was writing just saw on the news that Twitter is suing Homeland over some security letters it got. it's about time someone started fighting the secret courts.
a file called disksnapshot.conf contains some interesting app package names: Code: 29135stevesyrell.zidentity microsoft.ietilemanager microsoft.msbatterysense microsoft.mscalendar microsoft.msfacebook microsoft.mspeople microsoft.mspodcast microsoft.pivottestapp microsoft.sdksamples.zjsmediahub.js microsoft.windowsphonefileprovider zgeofenceapp zmodatasense zmwebbrowser zsuperjupiter zwebviewbrowser Apps beginning with z are known to be prototype apps.
i think they are Phone apps, there is lots of other WP stuff too. maybe running WP apps natively will be supported.
Yes, that's already known and we have its APPX already: MSBatterySense_1.0.14131.157 - Check / appx / details / a105bd5b-69d6-44d5-a94c-9152890f60ef
can someone dump me directx files from 10, i wanna try put them on win 8.1, maybe they can work in 8.1 update 1...
Another find I think: I triyed several times to install W10 TP and Linux in dual boot,no luck until now to make them working together.Linux installers cannot see Windows and Windows cannot see Linux....
What is weird is I had Ubuntu installed before the upgrade and I still can switch between the two after the upgrade. Since I use UEFI and Secureboot, I have to select my HDD manually from the BIOS list (2 entried for my HDD) to show the Grub menu, but it launches just fine.
Here I had W8.1.1 and wanted to make a clean install W10 and Linux(I have here several distro's)but I was not able to make them working together...all Linux installers can't see W10 loader that is the issue.I use ''classic'' BIOS and ''normal'' HDD.(I am not enough advanced user to make such things manually.)
Actually, it is often time advisable to install Windows first before installing your Linux operating system. The grub will definitely modify the way OS accesses the BIOS. So if you are going to run a dual boot of Windows and Linux you'll have to know how to debug grub when such error emanated. What I think the problem is has nothing to do with Windows, it is in your prerogative to use BOOT REPAIR(if you installed Ubuntu) to fix the error. It rests more on the Linux OS than the Windows.
That is the cause. You have to turn off the 'Secure Boot' in your BIOS before you install the Ubuntu. Make sure to install Ubuntu last. Don't forget to create Swap space during partitioning of your HDD.
When I played with Multi-OS-Installs in the past there was the option to install Linux within the Windows-HDD and if you wanted to boot into Linux, then you just used a Boot-Disk and for booting into Windows you just did it without the Boot-Disk. I'm not sure if it's still possible to do it that way.
THANKS for creating this topic, i am glad to see i am not the only one who hates the new Start menu ps... does that beta have a expire date?