I do not think Firefox is holier than thou. My only issue is misinformation and there has been enough of it posted here in this thread. As I said numerous times, MDL has its own Google Chrome thread, which can be found here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/update-google-chrome.30135/ What you do not see is Firefox users feeling the need to post misinformation or misdirection in the Chrome thread. This has played out on not just MDL, but as one user pointed out, even on Reddit. Hell, it plays out even on my own site (although there the deck is stacked against them). I have no problem with folks having a difference of opinion. Opinions are like A-holes, everyone has one. If you feel "X" (insert random name) is best for you, more power too you. We are all going to use what is best for us and nothing someone says will change that. Where I feel compelled to chime in is when folks try to pass off their opinions as fact or mislead folks to believe something which is not factual to be true. I personally have no problem taking a few seconds of my time countering false information, especially against "chrome-trolls", since I actually (strangely) do find it humorous. It is actually comical to me to watch these types of folks get so worked up and so imaginative just to attack a web browser. There are so many more important things in life to be upset about, least of all a web browser, and yet these folks cannot help themselves but post sometimes outright lies in order to "promote" Chrome, while wrongfully attacking Firefox. -- I strangely find that funny as all hell. But I digress, how "good" can their browser of choice really be if they must lie about the competition in order to defend their own? As I previously said, you don't see Firefox users feeling the need to troll the chrome thread. https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/update-google-chrome.30135/ That little fact alone makes this even more funny to me (and as such, strangely entertaining).
I have occasionally from time to time mentioned that I do administrate my own forum (elsewhere), but out of respect to MDL and the staff, I never share my link here (sorry).
At least now your reasoning for posting so much misinformation and never letting facts detour you, finally makes sense.
Not surprisingly you failed to understand my comment, but what the .... just forget it. As you know so much about firefox, let me ask you a question. In the Ff settings, when it comes to the mailto: default client, Thunderbird is clicked on, without a possibility to unclick it, and replace it by the user with whatever choice HE prefers?
I know what you were wrongfully trying to hint at and honestly, it made no sense given it is you who seems to be the one who is motivated to produce enough misinformation and misdirect as if you were being paid to do so. -- Relax, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are being paid, as the alternative really would not say much in the way of your free time. It's one thing to counter someone's falsehoods with facts, as I do (partially for education and entertainment), and totally another thing to waste your time without payment just to post falsehoods. -- I'm assuming you're better than that. Congratulations, you've asked a question which I do not know, simply because I have not used an actual mail client on my computer for over 10 years. I found the idea of having a mail client of any kind to be an extra security risk, as I would prefer not to have any e-mail downloaded or loaded locally onto my computer. As such, I have religiously stuck to webmail for over a decade. As a result, I no longer have any clue on the functionality of any consumer (end user) mail client be it Outlook or Thunderbird.
@GOD666 where is this legendary forum we keep hearing about you running, is it running vbulletin? Post a link so we can browse it with the insecure Firefox and see!
Religion? No, but against my ethics. I respect MDL and the staff and it would be sneaky and wrong to start posting links to my community in their community, even if it was done in private (sorry).
I take it you do not run a forum. -- It's no easy task to grow a community and usually, the one thing you don't want or need is someone posting links on your community telling folks to visit someone else's community. It is kind of a rude thing to do. While I do play well with others, I can promise you my members do not play well with others. -- Allow me to explain. -- In the past, I have shared links to my site on other sites, someone eventually says they found my site from "X" (insert random name here) and my members basically jump onto "X" and go about telling everyone all about "Y" (my site). This usually leaves a bad taste in the admin's mouth of whoever's site has now been trolled by my members and often though I have no control over what other folks do... I usually am put to blame. Overall, it's best I do not share my site, as I do respect MDL and the staff here. I like here on MDL. It's one of the reasons why I'm promoting a contest here, to give back a little to the community. https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...d-subscription-of-your-choice-for-2018.75622/ But we're really getting off topic here, so let's get back on topic... Firefox Quantum rocks!
Nice try, but I really am not hurting for membership. Spoiler I think we should get back on topic now.... Firefox Quantum still rocks!