Firefox is changing

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by Katzenfreund, Aug 17, 2017.

  1. annieannie

    annieannie MDL Novice

    Sep 25, 2009
    I already said there is. I am actually using it now. But sometime, it still can't capture the download and firefox's save as dialog pops up.

    For xthunder addon, it adds itself to the firefox save as dialog, when firefox's save as dialog pops up, you can click xthunder button and let your download manager to take over. It even has a drop down menus in the "save as" dialog" so you can choose which download manager you want to use for this particular download.

  2. GOD666

    GOD666 MDL Expert

    Aug 1, 2015
    Chrome and Opera also use web extension (add-ons) and have been doing so for years. Firefox is just now catching up and it is not their fault that developers are being lazy in updating their add-ons since they were all given 1 year's advance notice to update their add-ons. :rolleyes: There is contest here on MDL were you can win a free copy of Ant Download Manager and it seems to work just fine. They also have a free version so even if you do not win the contest, you can still have a good download manager to use.

    cc: @whizkidraj
  3. GOD666

    GOD666 MDL Expert

    Aug 1, 2015
    Look like Chrome? No. I am using both the beta (57) and the nightly release (58), as well as I have a trunk release (59) and Firefox still looks like Firefox. I have seen the concept build of v60 (more code than browser) and the display does not make it look like Chrome.
  4. GOD666

    GOD666 MDL Expert

    Aug 1, 2015
    All browsers will use available ram if you have the resources for it. Unless you do not have the resources in which case they default to other means (pagefile or temp files for example). It sounds like your problem is add-on related since I cannot confirm your claim. Further, if this was really a problem the bug tracker would be reporting this and we would be seeing people complain about this everywhere (folks, after all, like to keep their privacy and are not going to keep silent about such a matter). I would check what you have installed and if you cannot track it down, I would suggest you completely uninstall Firefox and then attempt a fresh install.
  5. GOD666

    GOD666 MDL Expert

    Aug 1, 2015
    There are alternatives. IDM is the one with the problem. ;)
  6. vuze4u

    vuze4u MDL Member

    Apr 24, 2010
  7. GOD666

    GOD666 MDL Expert

    Aug 1, 2015
    I have run a test of my own and as you can see in my screenshot, I originally started out with no such files.
    The few files that are made are made from the add-ons. As seen in this screenshot (this file is made from blocking content with uBlock)

    You would be wrong to assume you have no add-ons since Firefox is bundled with Pocket and the screenshot add-on now by default. When viewing the other files from a clean install (with presumably no additional add-ons), this is where those files come into play. Looking into the files, there is no cache or cookies, which is what you seem to be worried about.

    I decided to compare Google Chrome a Virtual PC and it too makes such files. ;)
  8. Doghen

    Doghen Guest

    God666, i can't wait to see FF 57+ :D and again really thankyou, i have been testing FF for 1 week or two and damn, it changed my whole browsing experience, :)
  9. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
  10. GOD666

    GOD666 MDL Expert

    Aug 1, 2015
    If the latest version is not on their website, where do you obtain it? Because that is where folks have been obtaining their copy of IDM and all the add-ons included. The last updated copy I received was directly from their website, today.
  11. GOD666

    GOD666 MDL Expert

    Aug 1, 2015
    I think @Daz would be better at explaining how the private browser works. But I can assure you @vuze4u that there is nothing wrong with Firefox as Chrome and Opera have the same behavior (or similar). You're not losing any security or privacy using Firefox. More so, Firefox is open source, and folks have been reviewing the code endlessly for 15 years (Initial released September 23, 2002; 15 years ago). Again, if there was an issue, folks would be screaming about it, and you would be reading about such an issue everywhere.
  12. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  13. annieannie

    annieannie MDL Novice

    Sep 25, 2009
    I have been using Vivaldi for some time, which uses chrome render engine. Under Chrome there is no such good add on just like xthunder. I saw some comments that the reason there is no add on like xthunder is because web extension is not allowed to directly contact files on the hard drive. I did see some web extensions ask you to install a client software:
    To be able to pass download links to IDM, you need to install a minimal native client application. This application is a bridge between browser and operating system.
    But haven't try that yet as the add on is very new.

  14. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    I always get an automatic popup, reminding me every time.
    I had the same problem like you before and IDM (they have great support!) told me to add IDM to the whitelists of my pop upblockers!
  15. GOD666

    GOD666 MDL Expert

    Aug 1, 2015
    I think I will stick with Ant Download Manager. It seems to use fewer resources at boot-time and loads quicker. ;)
  16. annieannie

    annieannie MDL Novice

    Sep 25, 2009
    Let me try this ant download manager, IDM proves to be the best so far but I am always open to new things.

  17. Katzenfreund

    Katzenfreund MDL Expert

    Jul 15, 2016
    Why you guys don't use the Download Manager built in the browser and need an additional external one?