I plan on upgrading my laptop to windows 10 with the MS free upgrade. Right now I'm using windows 10 tech preview. Can I upgrade with that? The OS that came with my laptop is Windows 7 Home Premium, but I'm not using it....I never used it. How do I prepare for this free upgrade?
All anybody knows for sure is that it will be pushed out to you if you are running a legitimate 7 or 8.1, everything else is speculation until they announce how else to get the free upgrade.
Reading more of the twitter news I get the impression that anybody will get a free license of w10 within a year, how else should they reach one billion installations? They even reinstalled the GWX nag programm although it had been on the ignore list... The previously stated info that even pirates can upgrade seems to be revoked because of bad press only. One then would just need to join the insider program now...
u already participating in the insider program so keep running 10 until they send u the final build for free....remember run only Pro....Enterprise will not be free even for insiders.
According to that link and as Abbodi1406 saying repeatedly, only Windows Insiders with qualified devices(that's the keyword) that upgrade within 12mo after launch get Windows 10 free!
full version != genuine version My belief is that Windows Insiders will get the free upgrade, just like pirates, but it will not be genuine and they will still get nag screens to buy it.
Tweet from above: Hey, there. Windows Insiders with qualified devices that upgrade within 12mo after launch get Windows 10 free! A pirate could join.