Global Warming: Your opinion ....

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by R29k, Jun 14, 2011.


Is Global Warming man made or a natural cycle ?

  1. Yes, it is man made

  2. Undecided

  3. No, I think there is another reason for it

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  1. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Instead of all the looser blah blah about the problems the biosphere has ........ polution , melting ice , climate catastrophy , plastic polution , nuclear polution , poisoned water , the comming mass death of species ........... we should be talking about WHY those problems arose ?.......... Inspite of more than 2 hundred years of warnings and mass protest since the 60s ....... WHO is responsible ? ........ WHO did and does NOTHING to stop it ? ...... WHO profited from it ? ......WHO are the culprets ? ...... WHO is guilty ? = Capitalists and their poly-tricker front men .

    Some evil peopl who've been indoctrinated with capitalist propoganda ---- > and have believed it !!! < ---- will say ...... The whole of humanity is to blame because they bought the products the capitalists sell = ---- >

    The about 6 billion people surviving in poverty are to blame for the climate catastrophy because they ate ...... and farted ? Because they bought clothes ? Made by child labour in the third world ? Because the goods that they had to buy to survive come in packaging thats much to big , made of non recycleable materials and is designed to fall apart as fast as possible so that the customers come back for more ...... and they bought it ? ...... We're to blame for the bank crash where we were ripped off and then had to pay to bail the banks out because we use money ? We're to blame for the f**k-you-shima , chernobyl , three mile island , sell-a-field disasters because we use electricity ? Bopal and seveso were our fault because we buy the products ? The capitalists ( banks , insurance companys , corporations ) and the tax collectors aka governments did what they did , and do what they do for us ? ....... Not for personal profit on our backs at our cost ....... after forcing us to work for a pitance so we can just keep our heads over water ?
  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Now, if ever there was a lot of blah-blah-blah with no idea what to do....:rolleyes:
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  3. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Inhumanity reaps what it has sewed and i'm proud and pleased to be alive and watch it happen ......... in slow motion :)

    Question @ Members ........ Guess what happens when the greenland ice melts :) ......... seriously ......... what do you think will happen ?

    Sea level will rise ca 6 -7 meters ...... massive methane release from siberia and canada ............ also methane release from the sea bed :) ........ and ? ---- >

    Think bowling greens ........... a bowling ball has a weight on one side so it can be bowled either in a straight line ......... or useing the weight on the side bowled that its spin turns it to the left or right .

    The earth is the same . We have a massive weight of ice over greenland ........... on a spinning ball ........... and the ball ( earth ) stays in orbit ......... and the poles are stabile ........ what would happen to a spinning bowling ball if we took the weight off one side ? .............. = LOL ......... s**t your pants
  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Ach, yes, you Immortals, totally disconnected, "just watching"....:rolleyes:
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  5. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Just like you :) .......... i have nothing to say , nothing to decide and nothing to change ...... i can only watch .
  6. Michel

    Michel MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    Its all made up by those goverment assholes to steal money out of your pockets. People need to wake up!
  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Speak for yourself, CS - in your own name... Learn the minimum needed for civilised life...
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  8. My Dear Brother Pl we must not use abusive language but i agree with your concern.
  9. zen45

    zen45 MDL Addicted

    Feb 25, 2010
    Global warming is real it has happened when man wasnt even around and it will happen again its the natural cycle of the planet earth can we stop it "NO" so quit trying . what we can do is stop dumping our waste in to the environment and poluting the drinking water, land , ocean !
  10. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    The climate catastrophy doesnt stand to debate .......... its undenyably happening . The question is ......... is it part of a natural cycle or did the capitalists do it .
  11. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Both. And the capitalists part: don't let them convince you that cow's and peoples farts are the or part of a huge problem. They created this gargantuan comsumist resource eating machine and brainwashed many generations of sheep.
  12. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    @ Capitalist climate catastrophy

    We have poly-trickers that claim to be our leaders . They have lead us into a disater .......... where humanity is faced with extinction ........ and they dont lead us out of the situation that they lead us into .

    The facts ---- >

    EVERYONE knows that we are at least up to our necks in s**t . WE the sensible want action now wich means changing things . The government = The culprits want everything to stay as it is ........ and hope for a technelogical advance that will save us . That technological advance is not even imaginable .

    = We want action and they want to stay in power . IF we took action it would mean that the rich have to pay their debts and get a job . They will not do that .
  13. Palladin

    Palladin MDL Senior Member

    Feb 1, 2014
    #1593 Palladin, Aug 11, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2021
    Here's my take on Global Warming

    Globul-Warming-1.jpg Globul-Warming-2.jpg Globul-Warming-3.jpg

  14. maddogster

    maddogster MDL Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2015

    just a little off as probably close to 8 billion peeps or more and that the main reason of all happening in the world good bad and indifferent; with capitalism and that many people, that much more bad except for billionaire wannabees to profit off majority sheep and gov puppets to lobby :( until world gets back to less than 4 billion total will always be issues to control population as our maker intended; if lived long enough can see decade over decade what happens worldwide and locally on society, changes, food supply, gov at all levels......again change starts at the top with corp and gov to control corp and then downwards flow unlike what happens today and middle class pay for top and bottom uselessness and gov puppets only looking out for themselves and elections to stay in power and in covid get more dictator like :( and corp to also become more dictator like in how they run company and treat consumers
  15. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    @ Stupid people = YOU

    Yesterday on TV there was a program where they asked why poly-trickers are doing NOTHING against the climate cacktastrophy .

    The answer is ........... because the general population doesnt want it !!!! ...... and would not acept the needed measures .

    IF we translate that into normal language they're saying ........... IF we have to do what needs doing to save the species they wont vote for us . ( = They wont be able to stuff their pockets full of our cash anymore )

    = What i say = Nothing happens because the rich and their poly-tricker front men wont get a job or pay their debts .

    The needed measures would mean no plastic glitzy iphone s**t anymore ....... no cars ....... no killing things ....... no abusing and eating murdered animals any more ........ no flights in the sun ........... no fires ........... and second hand goods untill they fall apart ........... :)
  16. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
  17. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    Here's the same video on youtube. For english or other language subtitles click settings > subtitles > german auto-generated which will allow new options you can't see yet. Then click settings again > subtitles > auto translate and a menu will come up for the language you want.
  18. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Thank you :)

    That program is good becuase it has that report and a few others that are relevant .......... BUT ........ the big thing is that its a national german TV channel ......... and its telling us things that the main stream press doesnt usualy report ....... from OUR point of view .

    All my ' life ' the press was the publicity department for the government ......... and just pushed the government narative . Now over the last few years the german media TV channels have been offering loads of good documentry programs about the power of corperations and family dynastys .......... the chemical industry ........ the cigaret industry ......... the arms industry ....... the car industry ........ the bank crash ...... wirecard .......... .

    When i was a kid old people said that the government is our worst enemy ........ wich is true .......... and now we have corona faschism and a whole generation of kids has been trained and indoctrinated with the government narative .......... and have learnt to trust the gpovernment and carry out sensless orders ......... and have learnt that anyone that questions the government narative is a querdenker , antivaxer , anti social , egoistic , confused .......... and MILLIONS of people will DIE !!!!

    I refuse to be vacinated . I have nothing against vacines that dont work ....... BUT .......... the government has used corona to give itself more power , given the pigs more power ........ government departments have cut themselves off from society = They arent open any more so we cant get into them and we have to do everything per telephone , post or emails ......... wich acording to them wasnt posible before ............ and at the same time they made demonstration rights less ....... and banned us from gathering together in groups and demonstrating ........... The only chance i have to demonstrate against the government crack down is to use my body and refuse vacination .
  19. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    @ Glasses half full , realistic hope for inhumanity and positive thoughts , words and actions for a better future ---- >

    Its sunday = I'm praying ........... for justice for inhumanity .

    The climate cacktastrophy didnt change inhumanitys behaviour . Corona was a wet fart ......... nothing positive came from it ............. so now the only realistic chance inhumanity has to survive is a total social colapse .......... God wont do it , the aliens wont do it , ebola didnt do it .......... The only chance of survival for inhumanity i can see is a sun storm that burns out electronics = kills the internet for a few weeks ............ no cars ......... no aeroplanes .......... no tanks ....... no battleships ....... no rockets ........... no TV ........... no radios ........... no press ........

    Just MASS PANIC ...........riots .......... slaughter ........... mayhem ........... mass hunger ...... and after we've eaten the piles of human bodys ........... and the smell has gone ............. we live in paradise again ............. no nazi s**t governments ............ no rich bastards ....... no kackpitalism ........... no war ........... no poverty ........... no hunger .......... just a pure clean honest equal future for all that survive

  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    Now, imagine the $1.9 trillion in renewables... R&D and all the rest of it!!! Only then can we have a meaningful discussion!!!

    Politicians must make a STRATEGIC decision and then redirect the support (subsidies) to the SUSTAINABLE sources of energy, whatever they may be!!!

    Either that or we do not survive!!!
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