Global Warming: Your opinion ....

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by R29k, Jun 14, 2011.


Is Global Warming man made or a natural cycle ?

  1. Yes, it is man made

  2. Undecided

  3. No, I think there is another reason for it

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  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I feel sorry for people with such narrow, tunnel "vision" trying to pontificate to others, whereby at least some of us want not to put all our eggs into the same basket, as it were...

    No matter what anyone at the top of their profession says about the inherent dangers of nuclear power, no matter the fact we as Humans are fallible, no matter the potential catastrophic dangers of such a possible incident, no matter the potentially deadly issues with long term storage - you keep banging on about something like you're a religious zealot...

    FFS, you were laughing in the face of that guy who is a flat-Earther, for his narrow mindedness and dogmatism - and what are you doing by avoiding and ignoring such huge potential dangers of nuclear power?!?
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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Which drugs are you on, FFS?!?

    R u completely insane?!?

    What, the West can't "produce" our own energy, we do not have the technology, we do no know how to make those devices?!? WTF are you on about?!?

    FYI, it's the USofA which keeps expanding and invading, "acquiring" countries. After WWII - tens and tens of them!!! Interfering in elections, invading, deposing legitimate and democratically elected govs and so on... For instance, the richer part of Syria now - it's being stolen by the USofA, right now, as we speak!!! But that's OK, right?!? An area in Ukraine with the world's richest black soil - larger that all arable land of Italy - has been bought by 3 US corporations. USofA has "strangely" orchestrated a coup d'état of a legitimate Ukrainian government, then directed who can be in the next government....... But that's OK, right?!?

    Go suck on a lemon!!!
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  3. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Hey wow !!! .......... your post has improved about 3000 % since the last one . Did you get a 5 year old to help you ?

    The bit about the USA ......... or better said the capitalist government ........... NOT the people ............ is true .

    Before any americans get annoyed ....... think please . I made a difference between the american people and their capitalist government ...... And they should think of vietnam . A war noone needed , where VERY many american citizens were murdered by their own government for money ......... a government that didnt stop it ........... and inspite of rising deaths and no chance of winning just drove it on and on and on .............. and it was only stopped when the veterans and their familys stood up and protested .

    The bit about syria and the land in the ukrain i dont know ......... but ......... even though its you saying it ....... have you got some links please that say it / show it ? .............. TBH it wouldnt suprise me at all the things going on in the background ........ and we're just fed bread and games / divide and rule in the capitalist press and schools ..
  4. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    OMG !!!!! i remebered a list with 54 countrys on it ......... invasions and military interventions .......... but cant find it ....... instead i found this one ---- > ........ whos our friend ? .......... whos civilised ? ........... who can we trust ? ....... whos nice ? ......... who represents the ' free world ' ......... who do the american government realy represent ? ........ Freedom ? ; the american people ? .......... or their capitalist masters ? ---- >
  5. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Oh my if there ever was a drowning man clutching at straws then that is it!
    What on earth does flat earth have to do with anything, it's blatant nonsense that can be disproven in a multitude of ways. You on the other hand can't deal with facts! You really should be a politician you would do very well at it . You are the one that is being dogmatic and narrowminded by ignoring the facts presented to you. You try to belittle the facts with your scaremongering nonsense. Just like politicians do. I can see you very well pinky. I already said what had to be said in this post
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  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Look, morons, look whose puppets you are... And weep...

    BBC exposes even more industry-paid publicity to undermine climate science. Industries feared gov't attention to public's environmental concerns.
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  7. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    Ignoring your extremely rude portions of your comments, I'll address this.
    You cannot have all of your energy grid made by a foreign country and then have that country go to war and not have a severe problem with your energy grid.
    You cannot simply fabricate all of the machines, foundries, and factories overnight. You cannot make the mines and the mining tools overnight. You cannot hire and train the miners overnight.
    Having the knowledge to make the items is not enough. You must be actually making them already YOURSELF. You can't be importing them from another country. You can't be importing the raw materials.
    You must be as independent in your energy sector as possible. That is one of the many major problems this "Green" ideology has besides overlooking the best solution in nuclear plants.
  8. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Pinky and his Pinkideology
    Love it
  9. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    And again: the U$ofA doesn't know how to make its own devices and onwards, its own energy network?!? What kind of a country is such a "superpower"?!? Of course it's all BS!!! You really are interested in justifying something else here!!! Hmmm, now, what could that be...?!?

    Oh, just look at what I found in the very next paragraph, by a sheer coincidence, I am sure... the first and biggest thing you are concerned about iiiisss... (drumrollllll... wait for it!!!) - going to war!!! Well, f@$& such a mindset, such "needs", such "leadership", such "ideology", as this sweet love of gunpowder is for Muricans!!! Constant warfare!!! Keep everybody in submission. You can't recognise anyone, you can't trust anyone, you have no respect for anyone... And then you get no respect or trust from anyone - only fear!!! Mafia racket!!!

    Thank fook unipolar world is going, going, gone!!!

    As for a proper critique of green policies in Capitalism, including financing it and organising it towards satisfying the needs of all, not profit making for very few, have a look at this: - it's a bit longer but well researched and thoughtful, so worth it!!!
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  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Alarm bells ringing in 2014 already:

    A possible interpretation, from 2015 by a Russian:


    Against the public opinion, for the tiny minority:

    Here it is:

    A broader perspective:
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  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    "Call me a worrywart but, at a time of accelerating sea level rise, I don't think the UK's decision to build its new nuclear power station on the coast is a good idea..."

    Dr Charlie Gardner

    Ad Japan (see Fukushima!!!) and other "clever" places of geological instability, for either nuclear power plants or deep repositories of spent nuclear fuel, incased in long-term highly inadequate material...

    The worst in all of this is the recklessness of some scientists and politicians peddling this baseless optimism, with the level of knowledge and political and geological instability we have to deal with!!!
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  13. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    gorski just changed sides again and is now saying the oposite of what he was saying . Again .

    gorski ......... look at finland and their atomic power system and what they're doing with spent nuclear fuel . If they can do it so can everyone else .
  14. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    Who said the U.S. was a superpower? The U.S. has been exporting its manufacturing since the 60s and importing cheap foreign labor since the same time. The one major advantage the U.S. had was we had energy independence and a strong manufacturing capability. The foolish corporate powers sold that out for a few bucks and the consumerist class, eager to get a tiny discount on their cheap plastic disposable products went along with it. Before the plastic industry came along people would re-use everything. Everything was made out of wood and metal. It was made to last. The same industry that sold everything out to foreign nations is the one that made it disposable so you would buy a new unit next year. The reason the ocean is full of plastic is because of that same industry. Have we benefitted from this cancerous global trade network? I would say no. Any possible benefits are outweighed by the massive costs and damage to both our societies and our planet. Then, these same people who caused the problem in the first place have the nerve to claim to be the ones to solve the problem by making new cheap disposable crap in a foreign country and this is their solution? It's laughable and absurd.

    No, the answer isn't to make this stuff in our own country either because this technology isn't an improvement over nuclear power. It's a severe downgrade. It's inefficient. It's expensive, and it requires battery and capacitor stations. Those stations get more and more inefficient every year that they run and they don't work well in high heat conditions like those where people would be running their air conditioners a lot such as the Southern United states. Don't even get me started on who actually has to pay for this ridiculous agenda. It isn't the wealthy. It never is. The governments make legislation for these pipe dreams, fund it with printed money and we all pay more for everything with inflation. They promise it's all paid for but it never is. They make poor people suffer so the rich can feel good about getting a 4th car.
  15. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Thats capitalism . Thats how it works . The rich claim to own the planet , their governments back them ........... they own the press , they own the system ............ the courts , the police and the army ...... they own the education system ............. and we are tennats whos part in ' life ' is to serve them , take the blame and pay for them .

    >Who said the U.S. was a superpower?

    Theres the identity conflict . Who are the US ? Certainly not the poor ......... and definately the rich . The poor have been led to believe that they're free , and have something to say and something to decide . The same with every country . Especialy little britain where the slaves have been taught to worship massmurdering parasites . Taught to celebrate their slavery and sing ' God save the parasite ' !!! ............ and ' Rule britania ' !!! ........... who rules who ? ............. all anyone has to do is to look at little briatain and see the poverty , homelessness , unemployment ........... and then at all the big houses and palaces ........... the wealth of the rich ........... wich was all made by pressganged peasants ................ being sent around the world to murder and steal ............ and it ALL landed in the hands of the rich ............. the people that did the work , and the fighting , the people that died and their familys got NOTHING :
  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    :eek:Oh. gaaawwwdddd!!!!!!!:rolleyes:
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  17. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    @gorski what part of nuclear power generation is going to contribute to global warming? Simple question!
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  18. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
  19. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    "Experts" are often just left-wing propagandists whose paychecks depend on being a biased political actor. If you want me to take an "Expert" seriously, I need to be able to look into their past and see them upsetting both the right and the left often. If they are getting paid by one side, usually government or political party interests, they are worthless. China has big problem with this sort of thing. Basically all of their intelligencia is CCP operatives. It's getting so that in Western countries, the same is true only for globalist left-wing types.
  20. parrish

    parrish MDL Junior Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    It's Literally Raining 'Forever Chemicals', And The Storm Could Last For Decades

    Humans are filling the world with trash, but not all of our waste is visible to the human eye.

    While plastic litter on the beach is easy to spot, microplastics and 'forever chemicals' have leached far and wide without our barely noticing.

    Both forms of pollution are now so ubiquitous in the environment, they are falling with the rain. But while the potential threat of microplastics is a regular point of discussion, some researchers argue the spread of other persistent synthetic compounds is comparatively overlooked.

    A team of scientists in Europe are now worried we have crossed a critical line. They argue the presence of forever chemicals in our hydrosphere at values that exceed key guidelines means we have entered an unsafe operating space from which there is practically no return.

    The warning comes on the heels of another cautionary paper, which argues the world has breached the safe planetary limit for synthetic chemicals.

    Similar to microplastics, the potential health effects of long-lasting per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are still largely unknown.

    While some types of PFAS are linked to potentially hazardous effects, like cancer, rigorous research is lagging behind and government safety thresholds in the United States are largely unenforced.

    Researchers in Europe are concerned that if some forever chemicals do turn out to have toxic effects in the future, it will be too late.

    A global analysis of PFAS levels over the past ten years has found PFAS levels in rainwater "often greatly exceed" US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advisory levels, They also often exceed Denmark guidelines (which, after the US, is the most strict, globally).

    The contamination is consistent even in remote areas like the Tibetan Plateau, where researchers found some chemicals exceed EPA guidelines by 14-fold.

    "Based on the latest US guidelines for PFOA in drinking water, rainwater everywhere would be judged unsafe to drink," says environmental chemist Ian Cousins from Stockholm University in Sweden.

    "Although in the industrial world we don't often drink rainwater, many people around the world expect it to be safe to drink and it supplies many of our drinking water sources."

    In Sweden, for instance, a national mapping of PFAS revealed nearly half of municipal drinking waters exceeded safety levels.

    Nor is it just water that's impacted. PFAS are also leeching into soils, and this ground contamination regularly exceeds guideline values in Europe.

    In fact, industry players in the Netherlands found it so difficult to meet past safety standards, the Dutch government simply relaxed its guidelines.

    Meanwhile, in the US, PFAS guidelines are becoming stricter as scientists learn more about what these chemicals do to human health.

    Just this year, the US EPA recently lowered its safety threshold for some types of PFAS because they turned out to be more dangerous than regulators thought.

    In 2020, the Environmental Working Group, a government watchdog, warned that there were unsafe levels of PFAS in a lot of drinking water in the US.

    This group, however, has a history of overstating the health impacts of certain chemicals, and, at the time, EWG's safety levels for PFAS in drinking water were much lower than the EPA's guidelines.

    Not anymore. In 2020, the EPA health advisory for two classes of chemical, known as PFOA and PFOS, was 70 parts per trillion. Now, it's far, far lower, specifically 0.004 parts per trillion for PFOA and 0.02 parts per trillion for PFOS.

    At these new, barely detectable levels, about half the US population would be exposed to potentially harmful chemicals based on EWG research.

    "There has been an astounding decline in guideline values for PFAS in drinking water in the last 20 years," says Cousins.

    "The drinking water guideline value for one well-known PFAS substance that is possibly carcinogenic has apparently declined by 37.5 million times in the US."

    That's not a good sign. It suggests regulators have been overlooking or underappreciating the risks associated with some types of long-lasting manufactured chemicals, produced by the military and contained in products like Teflon, Scotchguard and foam.

    "Irrespective of whether or not one agrees with our conclusion that the planetary boundary for PFAS is exceeded, it is nevertheless highly problematic that everywhere on Earth where humans reside recently proposed health advisories cannot be achieved without large investment in advanced cleanup technology," the authors conclude.

    "Indeed, although PFOS and PFOA were phased out by one of the major manufacturers (3M) 20 years ago, it will take decades before levels in land-based water and precipitation approach low picogram per liter levels."

    The recent analysis only considered four types of PFAS, which means these results are probably the tip of the iceberg. Hundreds of other persistent chemicals are also leaching into the environment at the same time, and most of their risks are unknown.

    Federal regulations are simply not keeping pace with the scale of the problem.

    The study was published in Environmental Science & Technology.

    It's Literally Raining 'Forever Chemicals', And The Storm Could Last For Decades

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    Important links

    Humans are filling the world with trash, but not all of our waste is visible to the human eye.

    While plastic litter on the beach is easy to spot, microplastics and 'forever chemicals' have leached far and wide without our barely noticing.
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    Both forms of pollution are now so ubiquitous in the environment, they are falling with the rain. But while the potential threat of microplastics is a regular point of discussion, some researchers argue the spread of other persistent synthetic compounds is comparatively overlooked.

    A team of scientists in Europe are now worried we have crossed a critical line. They argue the presence of forever chemicals in our hydrosphere at values that exceed key guidelines means we have entered an unsafe operating space from which there is practically no return.

    The warning comes on the heels of another cautionary paper, which argues the world has breached the safe planetary limit for synthetic chemicals.

    Similar to microplastics, the potential health effects of long-lasting per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are still largely unknown.

    While some types of PFAS are linked to potentially hazardous effects, like cancer, rigorous research is lagging behind and government safety thresholds in the United States are largely unenforced.

    Researchers in Europe are concerned that if some forever chemicals do turn out to have toxic effects in the future, it will be too late.

    A global analysis of PFAS levels over the past ten years has found PFAS levels in rainwater "often greatly exceed" US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advisory levels, They also often exceed Denmark guidelines (which, after the US, is the most strict, globally).

    The contamination is consistent even in remote areas like the Tibetan Plateau, where researchers found some chemicals exceed EPA guidelines by 14-fold.

    ??"Based on the latest US guidelines for PFOA in drinking water, rainwater everywhere would be judged unsafe to drink," says environmental chemist Ian Cousins from Stockholm University in Sweden.

    "Although in the industrial world we don't often drink rainwater, many people around the world expect it to be safe to drink and it supplies many of our drinking water sources."

    In Sweden, for instance, a national mapping of PFAS revealed nearly half of municipal drinking waters exceeded safety levels.

    Nor is it just water that's impacted. PFAS are also leeching into soils, and this ground contamination regularly exceeds guideline values in Europe.

    In fact, industry players in the Netherlands found it so difficult to meet past safety standards, the Dutch government simply relaxed its guidelines.

    Meanwhile, in the US, PFAS guidelines are becoming stricter as scientists learn more about what these chemicals do to human health.

    Just this year, the US EPA recently lowered its safety threshold for some types of PFAS because they turned out to be more dangerous than regulators thought.

    In 2020, the Environmental Working Group, a government watchdog, warned that there were unsafe levels of PFAS in a lot of drinking water in the US. This group, however, has a history of overstating the health impacts of certain chemicals, and, at the time, EWG's safety levels for PFAS in drinking water were much lower than the EPA's guidelines.

    Not anymore. In 2020, the EPA health advisory for two classes of chemical, known as PFOA and PFOS, was 70 parts per trillion. Now, it's far, far lower, specifically 0.004 parts per trillion for PFOA and 0.02 parts per trillion for PFOS.

    At these new, barely detectable levels, about half the US population would be exposed to potentially harmful chemicals based on EWG research.

    "There has been an astounding decline in guideline values for PFAS in drinking water in the last 20 years," says Cousins.
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    "The drinking water guideline value for one well-known PFAS substance that is possibly carcinogenic has apparently declined by 37.5 million times in the US."

    That's not a good sign. It suggests regulators have been overlooking or underappreciating the risks associated with some types of long-lasting manufactured chemicals, produced by the military and contained in products like Teflon, Scotchguard and foam.

    "Irrespective of whether or not one agrees with our conclusion that the planetary boundary for PFAS is exceeded, it is nevertheless highly problematic that everywhere on Earth where humans reside recently proposed health advisories cannot be achieved without large investment in advanced cleanup technology," the authors conclude.

    "Indeed, although PFOS and PFOA were phased out by one of the major manufacturers (3M) 20 years ago, it will take decades before levels in land-based water and precipitation approach low picogram per liter levels."

    The recent analysis only considered four types of PFAS, which means these results are probably the tip of the iceberg. Hundreds of other persistent chemicals are also leaching into the environment at the same time, and most of their risks are unknown.

    Federal regulations are simply not keeping pace with the scale of the problem.

    The study was published in Environmental Science & Technology.