I use this in a batch file. Start the first update check and then run this after. Then go into settings and make sure MS Update is checked and Click OK again. This script never seems to install for me until AFTER the first check has started running. I haven't installed MS Office in Vista though, I only use an older version of LibreOffice. So I can't say those updates will show up 100% @echo off echo Set ServiceManager = CreateObject^("Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager"^)>%TEMP%\MSU.vbs echo ServiceManager.ClientApplicationID = "My App">>%TEMP%\MSU.vbs echo Set NewUpdateService = ServiceManager.AddService2^("7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d",7,""^)>>%TEMP%\MSU.vbs %windir%\system32\wscript.exe %TEMP%\MSU.vbs del %TEMP%\MSU.vbs exit
Thanks, I will try it. I found this Visual Basic script on Microsoft's website but I didn't think it will work. I will try it after fully updating a clean install.
I always install it before the first round of updates has been picked from WU. That way I can hide the Vista updates I don't want early. I'll test installing it later and see if it makes any difference.
For those who wonder why I restart my laptop after completing each step in the guide, whether a restart is needed or not: First, doing 20+ restarts does not add that much time to the entire process. Second, it resets and refreshes everything.
I don't know what have M$ fixed this month but since Burdus found out the way to run again ESU LPP with no problems I started the tests again and the result is that the Latest Cumulative Update which before was getting detected only on business x64 now gets detected on Home Premium x64, Enterprise x64 Ultimate x64 (ofc Business x64) and even Ultimate x86...
In loving memory of my first laptop I still hope that I will fix it one day. The motherboard crashed..
A small update on ESU LPP: It doesn't need to be installed before the VISTA_WUC patch but it needs to be installed before the initial scan. That means that if you install it after you have already scanned for updates you will have to delete the Software Distribution folder and then rescan. I tested this on Business x64 and I was able to get the latest cumulative update for windows detected. At the contrary I still don't get the latest cumulative detected for .net 4.6.1. You guys who got it detected what options do you use on VISTA_WUC patch? Is it possible that me using option 3 could have affected this?
xrononautis: I made use of the below list during my last 2 test clean installs of Windows Vista Business SP2 64-bit on January 22nd and 24th. I restarted the PC after completing each step so the PC could be refreshed. Option #1 of Vista_SHA2_WUC was deployed, then the PC was restarted. Windows Update was started and set up, then its initial "checking for updates" scan was done. After the updates for Windows Vista were detected and installed, the PC was restarted. Option #2 of Vista_SHA2_WUC was deployed, then the PC was restarted. After the updates for Windows Server 2008 were detected and installed, the PC was restarted. While using option #2, Windows Update detected and installed the January 2022 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows Server 2008. It also detected and installed the January 2022 Cumulative Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1.
I will try with options 1 and then 2 and see what it detects. Thank you! I wonder if somehow it helps that you install the .net very early. In my case I install them after IE9 and all the SSU etc.
The install and update method that I'm currently using is working well, so I'm sticking with it unless something occurs that requires changing it. When the time comes, I'm anxious to see if Windows Update automatically detects and installs the February 2022 "patch Tuesday" updates.
Just noticed that there's now two Root Certificate files in the OP. Just wondering what the difference is?
I don't know the difference hence this is not answering your question directly but it seems that the one from 2021-10 is the most recent and should be preferred in my opinion. I have also done some installs with this recent one and everything went fine. I don't know why the other one is there. Maybe as a backup file? Personally I would use the one dated 2021-10 as the main root certificate and the one dated 2016-01 as a backup. (The one that Alvaro posted some time ago on the main thread of the WUC tool.) Also for who might find it helpful I spend some time and wrote down the Updates that are being offered by windows update on a clean install but are superseded by the latest cumulative update. Here comes the list and it is long (The updates in bold are superseded between the 2020-01 CU and 2022-01 CU.) Spoiler: Updates superseded by 2022-1 and previous cumulative updates: kb971657 kb972270 kb973507 kb975558 kb975929 kb979688 kb982132 kb982799 kb2347290 kb2478935 kb2481109 kb2483185 kb2491683 kb2506212 kb2507938 kb2509553 kb2511455 kb2563227 kb2685939 kb2705219 kb2726535 kb2820917 kb2840149 kb2862152 kb2862335 kb2892075 kb2929733 kb2957189 kb2998579 kb2999226 kb3003743 kb3011780 kb3021674 kb3022777 kb3033889 kb3035132 kb3055642 kb3057154 kb3067505 kb3072630 kb3075220 kb3076895 kb3080446 kb3084135 kb3092601 kb3092627 kb3101722 kb3118401 kb3126041 kb3139398 kb3139921 kb3141083 kb3149090 kb3156017 kb3156019 kb3170455v1 kb3194371 kb3196726 kb3203838 kb3216916 kb3217877 kb3218362 kb4012584 kb4012864 kb4015383 kb4017018 kb4018821 kb4022008 kb4022750 kb4022884 kb4022914 kb4025398 kb4026059 kb4034744 kb4034745 kb4035679 kb4037616 kb4039384 kb4042123 kb4042723 kb4046184 kb4052303 kb4056942 kb4099453 kb4130944 kb4132941 kb4230467 kb4291391 kb4340939 kb4486459 kb4490128 kb4501226
xrononautis / Burdus77: I was going to list only the most recent Root Certificate, but both allow Windows Update to function properly with KB4575904 ESU LPP, so I decided to list both for now.
The 2016 Root Cerificate Update isn't in the OP anymore. The 2021-10 and rootsup_XP files are the two linked. So, I was wondering what the difference between these two is as they're both newer root cerificate updates.
The 2016-01 is on the other thread regarding the wuc-sha2 tool. Also it shouldn't affect .msu files since they are signed directly from M$ through an other process. To my understanding the root certificates affect 3rd party signatures. Like the ones in drivers and applications.