We were discussing some time ago about the kb2763674 update it is related to SHA256 application signing. In my case I couldn't install .net 4.6.2 without both SHA2 support and this update. Were both those updates installed when you tried? Did you try to uninstall .net4.6.1 before trying to install 4.6.2 (just in case)?
I will be doing another test clean install before this week is over. I plan to install KB2763674 between steps #9 and #10 of the current guide. I am doing a few other things, so I have not decided yet where in the update process I will attempt to install NET Framework 4.6.2. I will keep you posted.
I spent pretty much all of Wednesday doing another test clean install of Windows Vista SP2 64-bit and trying a few different things. I hoped to get KB4575904 ESU LPP to work, but I had to give up after it continued to break Windows Update with the C8000266 error code. Anyway, the new guide has been posted and has had several changes made to it. https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...s-vista-sp2-64-bit-beyond-its-eol-date.83461/
Latest .NET Framework updates show up in Windows update, but you'll still have to use the .NET ESU Bypass or they will fail to install after being downloaded. Monthly SMQR has to be manually downloaded and installed.
It provides the SHA-256 support that's needed for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 to be installed. I've been unable to install 4.6.2 until xrononautis brought KB2763474 to my attention.
Windows Update displayed and installed the .NET Framework updates for me up to February 2022. Yes, the newest SMQR needs to be manually installed every month. KB4575904 ESU LPP continues to break Windows Update with a C8000266 error code, so all updates being able to be displayed and installed is non-existent.
A few pages back I sent my update list where I can perfectly install .NET 4.6.2, where I don't install that update.
It can depends which installer you got. I think there must exist two different EXE installers with different signatures.
Great, as I´ve just reached #8 on my re-install of Ultimate 64! The dual boot with XP 64 crashed for an as yet unexplained reason so I am in the process of re-installing both on separate drives. XP 64 can stay on the same machine but Vista is going on a different one - a FS Esprimo P7935 E with 8 GB RAM which originally came with Vista Business pre-installed in 2009. Fingers crossed.
CaptainSpeleo Your guide of 17 March was followed to the letter and the fresh install of Ultimate worked like a dream. Thank you. You say that KB5011486 should result in IE 9.0.275 but I ended up with 9.0.8112.16421. Is this OK, as I don´t use IE?
You are very welcome. I am glad the newly updated guide worked well for you. You have to use the batch file to install KB5011486. After it finishes installing and the small black window with text disappears, you have to restart the computer. After you load an IE9 window and then click "Help - About IE", it should show version 9.0.275 (9.0.8112.16421).